LoD Hammer of the Ancients Barbarian Build

(LoD refers to the Legacy of Dreams Legendary Gem).

A fast hitting, tanky build that is capable of dealing large AoE damage. It does not rely on any sets, but rather a few legendaries to enhance your Skills.


lod hota barbarian build
Example Build in Skill Calculator

This build mainly focuses around using Hammer of the Ancients to take out large groups of enemies. You also want to keep Call of the Ancients and Wrath of the Berserker up at the same time as much as possible, as this will allow you to take advantage of the boost from Remorseless.

Along with these Skills, the other core Skills are:



Remorseless, The Gavel of Judgment, Cindercoat, and Bracers of the First Men will all greatly enhance Hammer of the Ancients. Fury of the Ancients will increase Fury generation, while Mortick’s Brace grants Wrath of the Berserker gains every Rune. Echoing Fury, Squirt’s Necklace, Convention of Elements will increase your overall damage, while Stone Gauntlets and Band of Might help with damage mitigation. Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac will help keep your cooldowns low.

Legacy of Dreams is an essential Legendary Gem to this build, as it will massively increase your offense and defense for having only legendary gear equipped. Bane of the Trapped and Bane of the Stricken will generally be the other best choices for Legendary Gems, both of which will further increase your damage.

Equipment Stat Priorities

SlotStat Priorities
Weapons1. Damage Range
2. Socket (using Ramaladni’s Gift)
3. Cooldown Reduction
4. Area Damage
5. Damage %
6. Maximum Fury
7. Strength
Helm1. Socket (Flawless Royal Diamond)
2. Hammer of the Ancients Damage
3. Critical Hit Chance
4. Strength
5. All Resistance
6. Vitality
Gloves1. Critical Hit Chance
2. Critical Hit Damage
3. Cooldown Reduction
4. Area Damage
5. Strength
Shoulders1. Strength
2. Cooldown Reduction
3. Area Damage
4. All Resistance
5. Vitality
Chest1. Fire Damage
2. Sockets (3 Flawless Royal Diamonds)
3. Strength
4. All Resistance
5. Elite Damage Reduction
Pants1. Fire Damage
2. Strength
3. Sockets (2 Flawless Royal Diamonds)
4. All Resistance
5. Vitality
Boots1. Hammer of the Ancients Damage
2. Strength
3. All Resistance
4. Vitality
5. Armor
Rings1. Socket
2. Critical Hit Damage
3. Area Damage
4. Damage Range
5. Critical Hit Chance
Amulet1. Socket
2. Fire Damage
3. Critical Hit Chance
4. Critical Hit Damage
5. Strength
Bracers1. Fire Damage
2. Critical Hit Chance
3. Strength
4. All Resistance
5. Vitality
Belt1. Critical Hit Damage
2. Attack Speed
3. Strength
4. All Resistance
5. Vitality

Paragon Points

1. Movement Speed1. Critical Hit Damage1. All Resistance1. Area Damage
2. Maximum Fury2. Critical Hit Chance2. Life %2. Pickup Radius
3. Strength3. Cooldown Reduction3. Armor3. Resource Cost Reduction
4. Vitality4. Attack Speed4. Life Regeneration4. Life per Hit
  • Prioritize Vitality if you need more survivability.


LoD HotA Barbarian Guide

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Barbarian HotA Build with LoD

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