Once you reach level 50 and have chosen a Build for your Barbarian, you will want to start picking out the best armor to complement it. The Armor and Legendary Aspects are designed to enhance either a group of Skills, your mobility, or give some kind of utility. Some of these will be best for a specific Build, but many will be good for most, if not all Barbarians.
Best Barbarian Armor

Rage of Harrogath
(Chest Armor)
Gives you a chance to reduce your Cooldowns when inflicting Bleed.
Best Build: Whirlwind Build
Helps keep your Cooldowns low.

Yen’s Blessing
Gives a chance to cast a Skill on Cooldown while using another Skill.
Best Build: Double Swing Build
Gives you some extra attacks.

Crown of Lucion
Increases your damage and Resource Cost every time you use a Skill that has a Resource Cost.
Best Build: Any
Gives you a consistent damage boost.

Tibault’s Will
Grants 50 of your Primary Resource when you become Unstoppable. Also boosts damage while Unstoppable.
Best Build: Any
Gives you an extra source of Fury, as well as an overall damage boost.
Best Barbarian Legendary Aspects

Devilish Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Every time you generate 100 Fury, you next direct damage will summon 2 Dust Devils.
Best Build: Whirlwind Build
Gives you another way to create Dust Devils.

Ghostwalker Aspect
(Mobility Aspect)
Grants you Movement Speed and the ability to move Unhindered while you’re Unstoppable and shortly after.
Best Build: Whirlwind Build
Gives a great boost to mobility.

Bold Chieftain’s Aspect
(Resource Aspect)
When using a Shout Skill, it’s Cooldown will be lowered based on how many enemies it affects.
Best Build: Whirlwind Build
Gives a great boost to mobility.

Slaking Aspect
(Resource Aspect)
Increases your Maximum Fury, and also causes you Core Skills to restore Fury when damaging a Bleeding enemy.
Best Build: Whirlwind Build
Gives you some extra Fury while giving you another source to generate it.

Aspect of Fierce Winds
(Offensive Aspect)
Causes your Shouts to create Dust Devils, while also making Dust Devils more effective.
Best Build: Double Swing Build
Gives you another way to create Dust Devils, while also making them more effective.

Accelerating Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Allows Critical Strikes with your Core Skills to increase your Attack Speed.
Best Build: Hammer of the Ancients Build
Gives you a boost in damage.

Aspect of Metamorphosis
(Mobility Aspect)
Causes your Evade to turn you into a cloud of bats, becoming Unstoppable and damaging enemies in your path.
Best Build: Hammer of the Ancients Build
Gives your Evade some extra damage.

Earthquake Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Causes Ground Stomp to create and Earthquake. While standing in the Earthquake, you’ll deal more damage.
Best Build: Double Swing Build and Hammer of the Ancients Build
Gives a boost to your overall damage.

Aspect of Bul-Kathos
(Defensive Aspect)
Leap will create and Earthquake. On top of that, standing in Earthquakes will increase Damage Reduction.
Best Build: Double Swing Build and Hammer of the Ancients Build
Plays well with this Build’s theme of standing still and letting the enemies attack you.

Aspect of Giant Strides
(Defensive Aspect)
Reduces Leap’s Cooldown for each enemy hit by it.
Best Build: Double Swing Build and Hammer of the Ancients Build
Keeps the Cooldown of Leap low.

Starlight Aspect
(Resource Aspect)
Grants you some of your Primary Resource when you heal for a certain amount.
Best Build: Any
Helps to keep your Fury high.