Werewolf Tornado Druid Build

A tanky build that can take out groups of enemies by sending homing tornadoes at them.


This Build mainly revolves around the use of Tornado. This Skill will be constantly used to send out tornadoes that track down and take out enemies.

Additional Core Skills:

  • Trample – your main source of mobility and Unstoppable.
  • Debilitating Roar – gives a great boost in survivability.
  • Wolves and Ravens will give some buffs, but their main purpose is to boost the damage of Tornado.


The Key Passive for this Build is Bestial Rampage, as it will give you a consistent damage boost.

Additional Passives:

  • Iron Fur, Ancestral Fortitude, Vigilance, Neurotoxin, Circle of Life, and Heightened Senses will increase your survivability.
  • Wild Impulses, Predatory Instinct, Toxic Claws, Envenom, Defiance, Natural Disaster, and Quickshift will boost your damage.
  • Heart of the Wild, Digitigrade Gait – will boost your utility.

Spirit Boons

You will want to bond with the Spirit Eagle, then take the following Boons:

  • Wariness – to increase your survivability against Elites.
  • Iron Feather – gives a great boost in Maximum Life.
  • Avian Wrath – will further increase your damage.
  • Bolster – grants you a lot of Fortify.
  • Masochistic – occasionally will grant free heals.

Paragon Boards

  • Board 1 (Start):
    • Use Werewolf Glyph
    • Connect at the top end
  • Board 2 (Ancestral Guidance):
    • Rotate once
    • Take Legendary Mode
    • Use Exploit Glyph
    • Connect at the right end (board 3) and the top end (board 4)
  • Board 3 (Lust for Carnage):
    • Rotate twice
    • Take Legendary Mode
    • Use Undaunted Glyph
    • Connect at the bottom end (board 6)
  • Board 4 (Thunderstruck):
    • Rotate once
    • Take Legendary Node
    • Use Earth and Sky Glyph
    • Connect at the right end
  • Board 5 (Heightened Malice):
    • Rotate 3 times
    • Take Legendary Node
  • Board 6 (Constricting Tendrils):
    • Rotate twice
    • Don’t take Legendary Node
    • Use Territorial Glyph

Glyph Leveling Priorities

Level 15Level 21
1. Undaunted1. Territorial
2. Exploit2. Exploit
3. Werewolf3. Werewolf
4. Territorial4. Earth and Sky
5. Earth and Sky5. Undaunted


Tempest Roar will make all of your Tempest Skills to also be Werewolf Skills, and is essential for this Build. Wildheart Hunger will increase your damage, while Hunter’s Zenith will enhance both your Werewolf and Werebear forms.

On top of these pieces, you will want these Legendary Aspects:

  • Stormchaser – causes Tornado to track enemies, making them much more effective.
  • Shepard – boosts your damage for each Companion you have.
  • Stampede – will give you more companions, comboing well with Shepard.
  • Changeling’s Debt – will further increase your damage.
  • Vigorous and Juggernaut will help your survivability.

You will want to use Emerald Gems on your weapon, Ruby Gems on your armor, and a mix of gems for different resistances on your jewelry.

Equipment Stat Priorities

SlotStat PrioritiesTempering
Main Hand1. Spirit Cost Reduction
2. Attack Speed
3. Willpower
4. Max Life
– Chance for Tornado Projectiles to Cast Twice
– Damage to Close Enemies
Helm1. Damage while Shapeshifted
2. Critical Strike Damage
3. Poison Resistance
4. Maximum Spirit
Chest Armor1. Spirit per Second
2. Max Life
3. Willpower
4. Resistance to All Elements
– Maximum Life
– Lucky Hit: Chance to Stun / Freeze / Immobilize
Gloves1. Ranks to Tornado
2. Attack Speed
3. Critical Strike Chance
4. Willpower
– Damage to Close Enemies
– Lucky Hit: Chance to Stun / Freeze / Immobilize
Pants1. Resistance to All Elements
2. Max Life
3. Willpower
4. Dodge Chance
– Single Elemental Resist (other than Poison)
– Lucky Hit: Chance to Stun / Freeze / Immobilize
Boots1. Movement Speed
2. Damage Reduction
3. Critical Strike Damage
4. Overpower Damage
Amulet1. Ranks to Envenom
2. Movement Speed
3. Critical Strike Chance
4. Willpower
– Damage to Close Enemies
– Movement Speed
Rings1. Critical Strike Chance
2. Attack Speed
3. Maximum Life
4. Willpower
5. Critical Strike Damage
– Damage to Close Enemies
– Resource Generation / Spirit Cost Reduction



Werewolf Tornado Druid Endgame Guide

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Werewolf Tornado Druid Endgame Build Guide

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