Rogue Weapons

Once you reach level 50 and have chosen a Build for your Rogue, you will want to start picking out the best weapons to complement it. The weapons or Legendary Aspects are designed to enhance either a specific Skill, a group of Skills, or your overall damage. Some of these will be best for a specific Build, but many will be good for most, if not all Rogues.

Best Rogue Legendary Aspects

diablo iv offensive legendary aspect

Edgemaster’s Aspect

(Offensive Aspect)
Grants you more damage based on how much of your Primary Resource you have.
Best Build: Penetrating Shot Build
Gives an overall damage boost.

diablo iv offensive legendary aspect

Aspect of Elements

(Offensive Aspect)
Gives a rotating set of damage types increased damage.
Best Build: Penetrating Shot Build
Greatly enhances your main source of damage.

diablo iv offensive legendary aspect

Rapid Aspect

(Offensive Aspect)
Increases the Attack Speed of Basic Skills.
Best Build: Rapid Fire Build and Barrage Build
Let’s you build up Combo Points and Energy quicker.

diablo iv offensive legendary aspect

Aspect of Retribution

(Offensive Aspect)
Gives you a chance to Stun Distant enemies when they hit you. Also increases your damage against Stunned and Knocked Down enemies.
Best Build: Rapid Fire Build and Barrage Build
Gives you some extra damage and survivability.

diablo iv offensive legendary aspect

Aspect of the Expectant

(Offensive Aspect)
Increases the damage of your next Core Skill after attacking with a Basic Skill
Best Build: Any
Increases the damage of your primary Skill.

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