Infinimist Necromancer Build

This extremely tanky Build allows you to deal massive AoE damage, while being practically immortal!


This Build mainly revolves around the use of Blood Mist. With this Build, this Skill becomes loaded, being able to trigger Corpse Explosion, make Corpses, apply Shadow Damage and increase your movement speed on top of the Immunity it grants. On top of all of this, you will be able to keep it up infinitely (hence the Build name). Corpse Explosion is another important Skill, as it is your main source of damage.

Additional Core Skills:

  • Blight – will give you a boost in damage, and it’s high Lucky Chance helps this Build.
  • Decrepify – this is the main way to keep your cooldowns low.
  • Corpse Tendrals – groups enemies together, as well as make them Vulnerable.
  • Bone Storm – grants more Critical Strike Chance, while also boosting your survivability.


The Key Passive for this Build is Shadowblight, since it will greatly boost the damage of Corpse Explosion.

Additional Passives:

  • Stand Alone, Necrotic Carapace, and Stand Alone will increase your survivability.
  • Fueled by Death, Death’s Embrace, Amplify Damage, Terror, Gloom, Memento Mori, and Inspiring Leader will boost your damage.
  • Hewed Flesh, Grim Harvest, Reaper’s Pursuit, and Crippling Darkness will help your utility.

Book of the Dead

You can sacrifice all of your minions for this Build to gain their bonuses. You will want to sacrifice the Reaper Skeletal Warrior, Cold Skeletal Mage, and Iron Golem.

Paragon Boards

  • Board 1 (Start):
    • Use Amplify Glyph
    • Connect at the top end
  • Board 2 (Flesh-eater):
    • Rotate once
    • Take Legendary Node
    • Use Sacrificial Glyph
    • Connect at the right end
  • Board 3 (Wither):
    • Rotate twice
    • Don’t take Legendary Node
    • Use Abyssal Glyph
    • Connect at the top end (board 4) and bottom end (board 7)
  • Board 4 (Bone Graft):
    • Rotate three times
    • Don’t take Legendary Node
    • Use Scourge Glyph
    • Connect at the right end
  • Board 5 (Bloodbath):
    • Don’t rotate
    • Don’t take Legendary Node
    • Use Essence Glyph
    • Connect at the bottom end
  • Board 6 (Cult Leader):
    • Rotate three times
    • Don’t take Legendary Node
    • Use Control Glyph
    • Connect at the left end end (board 4)
  • Board 7 (Scent of Death):
    • Don’t rotate
    • Take Legendary Node
    • Use Territorial Glyph

Glyph Leveling Priorities

Level 15Level 21
1. Sacrificial1. Scourge
2. Control2. Essence (after finding X’Fal’s Corroded Signet)
3. Darkness3. Darkness
4. Scourge4. Control
5. Amplify5. Amplify
6. Essence (after finding X’Fal’s Corroded Signet)6. Sacrificial


X’Fal’s Corroded Signet will give a huge increase in AoE damage.

On top of this piece, you will want these Legendary Aspects:

  • Explosive Mist – causes Blood Mist to trigger Corpse Explosion on Corpses, as well as causing these explosions to reduce Blood Mist’s Cooldown.
  • Ultimate Shadow and Blood-Soaked will give Bone Storm and Blood Mist (respectively) extra Shadow damage, improving Shadowblight.
  • Blighted, The Damned, and Grasping Veins increase your damage.
  • Shielding Storm and Hardened Bones will boost your survivability.
  • Ghostwalker will increase your Movement Speed.

You will want to use Sapphire Gems on your weapon, Ruby Gems on your armor, and Diamond Gems on your jewelry.

Equipment Stat Priorities

SlotStat Priorities
Main Hand1. Intelligence
2. Maximum Life
3. Critical Strike Damage
– Lucky Hit: Up to a x% Chance to Deal Shadow Damage
– Damage to Close/Enemies Affected by Curse Skills
Off-Hand1. Lucky Hit Chance
2. Cooldown Reduction
3. Critical Strike Chance
4. Maximum Life
– Lucky Hit: Up to a x% Chance to Deal Shadow Damage
– Damage to Close/Enemies Affected by Curse Skills
Helm1. Lucky Hit Chance
2. Cooldown Reduction
3. Maximum Life
4. Intelligence
– Ranks to ‍Crippling Darkness
Decrepify/Corpse Tendrils Size
Chest Armor1. Armor
2. Maximum Life
3. Ranks to Blood Mist
4. Intelligence
– Ranks to ‍Crippling Darkness
Decrepify/Corpse Tendrils Size
Gloves1. Critical Strike Chance
2. Lucky Hit Chance
3. Intelligence
4. Critical Strike Damage
5. Maximum Life
– Damage to Close/Enemies Affected by Curse Skills
Decrepify/Corpse Tendrils Size
Pants1. Maximum Life
2. Armor
3. Intelligence
4. Resistance to All Elements
– Ranks to ‍Crippling Darkness
– Lucky Hit: Up to a x% Chance to (Any Crowd Control) for 2 Seconds
Boots1. Movement Speed
2. Intelligence
3. Maximum Life
4. Armor
– Movement Speed
– Lucky Hit: Up to a x% Chance to (Any Crowd Control) for 2 Seconds
Amulet1. Ranks to Gloom
2. Ranks to ‍Terror
3. Ranks to ‍Amplify Damage
4. Critical Strike Chance
5. Lucky Hit Chance
6. Cooldown Reduction
– Ranks to ‍Crippling Darkness
– Damage to Close/Enemies Affected by Curse Skills
Rings1. Critical Strike Chance
2. Lucky Hit Chance
3. Lucky Hit: Up to a x% Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable
4. Maximum Life
– Ultimate Cooldown Reduction
– Damage to Close/Enemies Affected by Curse Skills



    Infinimist Necromancer Endgame Guide

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    Infinimist / Exploding Shadow Mist Necromancer Build Guide

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