Barbarian Armor

Once you reach level 50 and have chosen a Build for your Barbarian, you will want to start picking out the best armor to complement it. The Armor and Legendary Aspects are designed to enhance either a group of Skills, your mobility, or give some kind of utility. Some of these will be best for a specific Build, but many will be good for most, if not all Barbarians.

Best Barbarian Armor

diablo 4 razorplate


(Chest Armor)
Gives Thorns a change to deal increased damage.
Best Build: Thorns Build
Allows your main source of damage to deal extra damage.

diablo 4 yen's blessing

Yen’s Blessing

Gives a chance to cast a Skill on Cooldown while using another Skill.
Best Build: Double Swing Build
Gives you some extra attacks.

diablo iv tuskhelm of joritz the mighty

Tuskhelm of Joritz the Mighty

Allows a chance to become more enraged while Berserking, granting increased damage, more Fury regen, and Cooldown Reduction.
Best Build: Double Swing Build and Hammer of the Ancients Build
Gives the Barbarian’s strongest buff a chance to become even better.

diablo iv tibault's will

Tibault’s Will

Grants 50 of your Primary Resource when you become Unstoppable. Also boosts damage while Unstoppable.
Best Build: Double Swing Build and Hammer of the Ancients Build
Gives you an extra source of Fury, as well as an overall damage boost.

Best Barbarian Legendary Aspects

diablo 4 defensive aspect

Aspect of Might

(Defensive Aspect)
Causes your Basic Skills to grant Damage Reduction.
Best Build: Thorns Build
Gives a boost in survivability.

diablo 4 defensive aspect

Aspect of Inner Calm

(Defensive Aspect)
Increases your damage. The bonus triples if you stand still for long enough.
Best Build: Thorns Build
Plays well with this Build’s theme of standing still and letting the enemies attack you.

diablo 4 utility aspect

Hectic Aspect

(Utility Aspect)
Reduces one of your active Cooldowns after using 5 Basic Skills.
Best Build: Thorns Build
Helps keep your Cooldowns low.

diablo 4 resource aspect

Aspect of Adaptability

(Resource Aspect)
Grants either increased generation of your Primary Resource with Basic Skills, or increased damage of Basic Skills, depending on how much of your Primary Resource you have.
Best Build: Thorns Build
Helps keep your Fury high and boost the damage of your Basic Skill.

diablo iv offensive legendary aspect

Death Wish Aspect

(Offensive Aspect)
Berserking gives you Thorns.
Best Build: Thorns Build
Allows Berserking to further help your main source of damage.

diablo 4 resource aspect

Devilish Aspect

(Offensive Aspect)
Every time you generate 100 Fury, you next direct damage will summon 2 Dust Devils.
Best Build: Double Swing Build
Gives you another way to create Dust Devils.

diablo iv offensive legendary aspect

Earthquake Aspect

(Offensive Aspect)
Causes Ground Stomp to create and Earthquake. While standing in the Earthquake, you’ll deal more damage.
Best Build: Double Swing Build
Gives a boost to your overall damage.

diablo 4 defensive aspect

Aspect of Numbing Wrath

(Defensive Aspect)
Causes each point of Fury generated while at max grant Fortify.
Best Build: Hammer of the Ancients Build
Gives an extra source of damage mitigation.

diablo iv offensive legendary aspect

Aspect of Ancestral Force

(Offensive Aspect)
Causes Hammer of the Ancients to quake outward, while also increasing its damage.
Best Build: Hammer of the Ancients Build
Enhances this Build’s primary Skill.

diablo 4 utility aspect

Relentless Berserker’s Aspect

(Utility Aspect)
Allows your Core Skills a chance to extend the duration of your Berserking.
Best Build: Hammer of the Ancients Build
Helps with keeping Berserking up at all times.

diablo 4 resource aspect

Bold Chieftain’s Aspect

(Resource Aspect)
When you use your Shouts, their Cooldown will be lower depending on how many enemies are Nearby.
Best Build: Thorns Build and Hammer of the Ancients Build
Allows you to use your Shouts more.

diablo 4 defensive aspect

Undying Aspect

(Defensive Aspect)
Casting Skills will heal you.
Best Build: Thorns Build and Double Swing Build
Gives you an extra source of healing.

diablo 4 defensive aspect

Aspect of Bul-Kathos

(Defensive Aspect)
Leap will create and Earthquake. On top of that, standing in Earthquakes will increase Damage Reduction.
Best Build: Double Swing Build and Hammer of the Ancients Build
Plays well with this Build’s theme of standing still and letting the enemies attack you.

diablo 4 resource aspect

Aspect of Giant Strides

(Defensive Aspect)
Reduces Leap’s Cooldown for each enemy hit by it.
Best Build: Double Swing Build and Hammer of the Ancients Build
Keeps the Cooldown of Leap low.

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