Once you reach level 50 and have chosen a Build for your Druid, you will want to start picking out the best armor to complement it. The Armor and Legendary Aspects are designed to enhance either a group of Skills, your mobility, or give some kind of utility. Some of these will be best for a specific Build, but many will be good for most, if not all Druids.
Best Druid Armor

Unsung Ascetic’s Wraps
Allows Lightning Storm to strike more each time it grows and every time it lands a Critical Strike.
Best Build: Landslide Build
Allows your free Lightning Storm casts to do much more damage.

Vasily’s Prayer
Turns your Earth Skills also become Werebear Skills, while also making them Fortify you.
Best Build: Landslide Build
Allows your free Lightning Storm casts to do much more damage.

Tibault’s Will
Grants 50 of your Primary Resource when you become Unstoppable. Also boosts damage while Unstoppable.
Best Build: Landslide Build
Gives you an extra source of Spirit, as well as an overall damage boost.

Causes Landslide to leave behind Tectonic Spikes that deal extra damage.
Best Build: Landslide Build
Makes your primary Skill much more effective.

Insatiable Fury
(Chest Armor)
Turns Werebear into your true form, and increases the ranks of all Werebear Skills.
Best Build: Boulder Build
Makes all of your Werebear Skills much more effective.

Makes each enemy you Evade through reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate.
Best Build: Boulder Build
Helps keep the Cooldown of your Ultimate low

Dolmen Stone
Causes Boulder to rotate around you when cast while Hurricane is active.
Best Build: Boulder Build
This effect is needed to make the Build work.

Mjölnic Ryng
Grants you unlimited Spirit and a damage boost while Cataclysm is active.
Best Build: Boulder Build
Turns Cataclysm into your main source of Spirit.

Storm’s Companion
Transforms your Wolf Companions to deal Lightning damage, and gives them a new ability to use.
Best Build: Companion Build
Gives a great boost to your main source of damage.

Wildheart Hunger
Grants you a stacking damage bonus every time you Shapeshift into Werewolf or Werebear form.
Best Build: Landslide Build and Companion Build
Gives you a consistent damage boost.
Best Druid Legendary Aspects

Symbiotic Aspect
(Utility Aspect)
When Nature’s Fury triggers, it will also reduce the Cooldowns of the reverse type.
Best Build: Landslide Build
Helps keep your Cooldowns low.

Aspect of Natural Balance
(Offensive Aspect)
When casting a Storm or Earth Skill, the opposite type will gain a damage boost.
Best Build: Landslide Build
Gives an overall damage boost.

Subterranean Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Causes Poison Creeper to also cast Landslide, while also increasing the damage of Earth Skills to Poisoned enemies.
Best Build: Landslide Build
Gives you another source of Landslide.

Aspect of the Changeling’s Debt
(Offensive Aspect)
Lets you deal extra damage while Shapeshifted and attacking enemies with certain status effects.
Best Build: Boulder Build
Gives you an overall damage boost.

Aspect of the Stampede
(Offensive Aspect)
Gain an additional Companion, and boosts the damage of Companion Skills.
Best Build: Companion Build
Makes your Companions more effective.

Spirit Bond Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Causes part of the damage you take to be redirected to your Companions, while also making them immortal.
Best Build: Companion Build
Gives you an extra source of damage reduction and lets you not have to worry about your Companions.

Aspect of the Wildrage
(Offensive Aspect)
Gives your Companions double the damage bonus from the Bestial Rampage Passive.
Best Build: Companion Build
Gives your Companions a huge damage boost.

Shepherd’s Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Makes your Companion Skills deal more damage for each active Companion you have.
Best Build: Companion Build
Lets your Companions boost each other’s damage.

Moonrage Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Gives your kills a chance to summon and additional Wolf.
Best Build: Companion Build
Allows you to gain more Wolves.

Aspect of Retaliation
(Offensive Aspect)
Your Core Skills deal increased damage based on your Fortify.
Best Build: Landslide Build and Boulder Build
Gives an overall damage boost.

Skinwalker’s Aspect
(Defensive Aspect)
Allows you to heal or gain Fortify when you use a Skill that Shapeshifts you.
Best Build: Boulder Build and Companion Build
Gives you an form of extra healing and Fortify.