Twisting Blades Rogue Build

This Build involves swiftly taking out enemies using high mobility. While it takes some practice to use and can be squishy, it can clear content faster than almost any other Build.


This Build mainly revolves around the use of Twisting Blade, particularly the second part of the attack where your weapons fly back to you. On their way back, they will deal high damage to any enemies on their way to you.

Additional Core Skills:

  • Puncture – used to build Combo points and Energy.
  • Shadow Step – your main mobility Skill.
  • Poison Imbuement – the DoTs this apply will be a huge source of damage.
  • Caltrops – another source of mobility that will also boost your damage.
  • Smoke Grenade – a great source of survivability.


The Key Passive for this Build is Close Quarters Combat, as it will give you a constant damage boost.

Additional Passives:

  • Sturdy, Siphoning Strikes, and Debilitating Toxins – increases your survivability.
  • Exploit, Malice, Deadly Venom, and Frigid Finesse will boost your damage.
  • Trick Attacks Rapid Gambits will help your utility.


For this build, you will want to use the Combo Points Specialization, so that you can boost the damage of Twisting Blades.

Paragon Board

  • Board 1 (Start):
    • Use Bane Glyph
    • Connect at the Top End
  • Board 2 (Cheap Shot):
    • Don’t rotate
    • Take Legendary Node
    • Use Versatility Glyph
    • Connect at the left end
  • Board 3 (Exploit Weakness):
    • Don’t rotate
    • Take Legendary Node
    • Use Tracker Glyph
    • Connect at the left end (board 4) and top end (board 5)
  • Board 4 (No Witnesses):
    • Rotate three times
    • Don’t take Legendary Node
    • Use Efficacy Glyph
  • Board 5 (Leyrana’s Instinct):
    • Rotate 3 times
    • Don’t take Legendary Node
    • Use Control Glyph
    • Connect at the right end
  • Board 6 (Eldritch Bounty):
    • Rotate three times
    • Take Legendary Node
    • Use Turf Glyph

Glyph Leveling Priorities

Level 15Level 21
1. Versatility1. Control
2. Bane2. Versatility
3. Tracker3. Efficacy
4. Efficacy4. Bane
5. Control5. Turf
6. Turf6. Tracker


There are no Unique pieces of gear for this Build. Instead, you will want these Legendary Aspects:

  • Warcaster – allows Twisting Blades to orbit around you after returning to you.
  • Umbrous – gives you a chance to get a free Dark Shroud shadow when using Puncture.
  • Assimilation and Might help your survivability.
  • Concussive Strikes, Volatile Shadows, Noxious Ice, Accursed Touch, Elements, Rapid, and Corruption will boost your damage.

You will want to use Amethyst Gems on your weapons, Ruby Gems on your armor, and a mix of Gems for different Resistances on your jewelry.

Equipment Stat Priorities

SlotStat PrioritiesTempering
Melee1. Dexterity
2. % Damage
3. Maximum Life
Twisting Blades Effect
– Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Ranged1. Resource Cost Reduction
2. Attack Speed
3. Dexterity
– Chance for Puncture to Cast Twice
– Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Helm1. Ranks to Poison Imbuement
2. Cooldown Reduction
3. Lucky Hit Chance
4. Dexterity
– Dodge Chance
– Chance to Freeze/Stun/Immobilize/Slow
Chest Armor1. Ranks to Dark Shroud
2. Maximum Life
3. Energy per Second
4. Dexterity
– Dodge Chance
– Chance to Freeze/Stun/Immobilize/Slow
Gloves1. Ranks to Twisting Blades
2. Critical Strike Chance
3. Lucky Hit Chance
4. Dexterity
– Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
– Chance to Freeze/Stun/Immobilize/Slow
Pants1. Maximum Life
2. Armor
3. Any Resistance
4. Dexterity
– Dodge Chance
– Chance to Freeze/Stun/Immobilize/Slow
Boots1. Movement Speed
2. Armor
3. Any Resistance
4. Dexterity
– Movement Speed
– Chance to Freeze/Stun/Immobilize/Slow
AmuletRanks to Frigid Finesse
Movement Speed
Critical Strike Chance
Ranks to Deadly Venom
Ranks to Malice
Poison Imbuement Count
– Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies
Rings1. Dexterity
2. Maximum Life
3. Critical Strike Chance
Poison Imbuement Count
– Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies



Twisting Blades Rogue Endgame Guide

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Icy Veins

Twisting Blades Rogue Endgame Build Guide

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