Welcome, Nephalem! On this site you will find many guides and resource pages to help you on your journey. This includes tips for leveling your characters quickly, farming gems, farming legendaries & sets, details on Diablo 3 Classes, best builds and gear you can use for each, and much more.
If you are new to Diablo 3, below are the answers to some of the most common questions asked by the beginners. If this is the case, we suggest reading through these before navigating to the other pages to see if there is any topic you would like to learn in particular.
Which Class Should I Pick?
The short answer is: whichever Class looks the most appealing to you! None of the Classes are overly complicated to learn, and they’re all more than viable for leveling up and reaching endgame content.
Look at each Class and see which one would match your playstyle the most. Do you like charging into the middle of enemy hoards and taking them all down with raw strength? Check out a Barbarian. Would you rather stay back and take out the forces of evil with powerful elemental magic? You’ll probably like the Wizard best.
Below is a quick breakdown of each Class and their playstyles:
- Barbarian
- Specializes in brutal melee combat.
- Has many Skills and Passives that can make them hard to kill.
- A very straightforward Class to learn.
- Has access to Shouts that have a variety of effects, from buffing your party, to making enemies run in fear.
- Crusader
- A melee fighter that specializes in defense.
- The only Class in the game that can equip a 2-Handed weapon and Shield at the same time.
- While specializing in melee, they can also attack from a distance with Holy and Lightning attacks.
- Can proclaim various Laws to boost offense or defense.
- Demon Hunter
- The only dedicated ranged attacker that does not use magic.
- The only Class in the game that uses two resources to use their Skills.
- Can take advantage of various traps to keep enemies at a distance.
- They have many evasive Skills to get them out of tight situations when needed.
- Monk
- A melee attacker that specializes in high mobility.
- Can use combos to make attacks stronger, and add additional effects to take enemies out quickly.
- Has a large variety of tools for both offense and defense.
- Can create Chakras that boost the party either offensively or defensively.
- Necromancer
- A ranged attacker that specializes in raising and commanding the undead.
- Can use the corpses of enemies to either unleash various attacks, or create an ally.
- Various Curses and their minions allow them to keep enemies crippled and ready to be killed.
- Can cause chain attacks with their Skills to take out groups of enemies quickly.
- Witch Doctor
- A ranged attacker that can summon a wide variety of creatures to help them in combat.
- Uses destructive magic for various attacks such as clouds of acid, and can sacrifice their pets to do extra damage.
- Has access to Curses and Hexes to slowly kill off enemies.
- The large amount of pets they can have with them allow them to stay safe from enemies.
- Wizard
- A ranged attacker that specializes in Fire, Lightning, Ice, and Arcane magic.
- They can choose to focus on one of these elements, or use multiple for devastating effects.
- Their resources regenerates faster than the other Classes, allowing them to use their Skills more consistently.
- They have many defensive Skills that can make them much more durable than you would expect from a caster.
Something to keep in mind, however, is that all melee Classes (Barbarian, Crusader, and Monk) take 30% less damage compared to the other Classes. This means that playing a melee Class will be a little more forgiving when it comes to keeping yourself alive.
We have a dedicated resource pages for each Class where we will be going into more detail on what makes each of them unique, as well as exploring their gear and playstyle.
What Difficulty Should I Play On?
The answer to this will change depending on what stage you’re at on your journey. You might notice that Diablo 3 comes with a long list of them: from Normal, all the way to Torment I – XVI (1-16), with the latter set designed for the endgame.
When you make your first character, your best bet is to start on a Normal or Hard difficulty. As you begin to find better equipment and the enemies start to feel too easy, try bumping up the difficulty and see if it’s still comfortable. If, after you gain a few levels, the enemies start nearly one-shotting you, take the difficulty down until you can get better gear. Each increase in difficulty will give you more experience, and a better chance at getting higher quality gear.
Once you hit level 70, you will want to go to the Torment difficulties as quickly as possible — there are a few materials for endgame content that only drop in Torment I or higher. The ultimate goal is to eventually be able to play on Torment XVI comfortably, so you can start tackling the hardest and most rewarding content.
If you want a full breakdown of the increases for each difficulty, you can check out an overview of all of them here.
Should I Make a Normal or Seasonal Character?
This will mostly come down to preference. Seasonal characters will essentially involve playing a ‘newer’ version of the game compared to Normal ones, usually having an exclusive gimmick unique to each Season to further boost your characters, as well as exclusive cosmetic rewards that all of your characters can use once unlocked. However, at the end of every Season, any Seasonal characters you have will be converted to Normal ones, meaning that if you want to participate in the new season, you will have to make a brand new character that will start from scratch. This makes your Normal characters much more consistent. Keep in mind that the character will not lose anything when being converted, however.
If you’re making your very first character, we suggest making a Normal character, so you can go through the story and get used to everything in the game at your own pace. Once you’re more familiar with the game and know how to level your characters up quickly, start making Seasonal characters to see how your Class can be at its best, as well as enjoy some fun gimmicks.
Keep in mind that Normal and Seasonal characters do not share anything with each other, meaning you cannot have a Normal character help boost a Seasonal one, and vice versa.
How Do I Craft in the Game?
All item crafting in the game is done through two of the three Artisans: the Blacksmith and Jeweler. However, you can also enhance your gear through the Mystic (the third Artisan), and Kanai’s Cube (which also has a lot of other great uses). All crafting and enhancements will cost you Gold and materials.
How do I Get More Materials and Gold?
For the most part, you can get Gold and materials needed for crafting and enhancing by simply playing the game and Salvaging unneeded gear at the Blacksmith. However, there are some materials that will require more specific methods to obtain.
We have a dedicated resource page to getting all the crafting materials you’ll need efficiently, as well as a resource page for getting Gold quickly.
How do I get the best Gear?
The most straightforward way to get the best gear in Diablo 3 is to simply do Greater Rifts, where the vast majority of Legendary and Set pieces can drop. However, there are many ways you can acquire this gear faster, such as taking advantage of Kanai’s Cube.
We have a dedicated resource page for the different methods you can use to farm Legendary and Set equipment that you can check out for more details!
Resources & Links

Seasonal Journey Tracker

Difficulty Overview