Sorcerer Skills

The Sorcerer Skills are built to take enemies out in a variety of ways, while keeping at a distance. Their elemental mastery shows through the tiers, with the spells becoming more and more powerful the further you go down the Skill Tree. The Defensive tier will give them safety options in case enemies get close, while the Conjuration tier will grant them some temporary help with damage.

Their Mount Skill is Freezing Wake. It allows them to crystallize into a rushing wisp of ice, dealing 110% damage to and Freezing enemies in their path for 2 seconds.


  • All damaging Skills will deal either Fire, Lightning, or Cold damage.
    • Many of the Skills and Passives of the same element will synergize well with each other.
  • Some Lightning Skills have a chance to form Crackling Energy on the field. These are balls of energy that can be picked up to periodically damage nearby enemies.
  • All Skills (besides the ones in the Ultimate tier) will have an Enhancement, and two Upgrades.
    • Only one Upgrade per Skill can be chosen, and the Enhancement must be learned first.

Best Sorcerer Skills

Once you reach level 50 in Diablo 4, it’s time to figure out your Build, and the first step in that is determining what Skills you want to focus on. Your skills will determine which weapons and armor you will want to go for, as well as what your rotation and approach will be, so picking the right set can be important.

While some Skills will be for specific Builds (and will often become their focus), other Skills are a staple for just about every Sorcerer.

Best Core Skills

diablo 4 frozen orb

Frozen Orb

Best Build: Lightning Spear Build and Frozen Orb Build
It will be the Skill you cast the most on both Builds.

Best Defensive Skills

diablo 4 teleport


Best Build: Any
This will be the main source of mobility for any Build.

diablo 4 flame shield

Flame Shield

Best Build: Any
Gives you temporary Immunity, as well as a way to heal yourself.

diablo 4 ice armor

Ice Armor

Best Build: Any
Grants a huge Barrier and a source of Mana regen.

Best Conjuration Skills

diablo 4 lightning spear

Lightning Spear

Best Build: Lightning Spear Build
This will be your main source of damage, dealing high damage to multiple enemies every time it lands a Critical Strike.

diablo 4 ice blades

Ice Blades

Best Build: Blizzard Build
Helps keep your Mana high, while also boosting damage.

Best Mastery Skills

diablo 4 blizzard


Best Build: Blizzard Build
Your main source of damage for this Build. It will consistently deal damage in a large area.

Best Ultimate Skills

diablo 4 unstable currents

Unstable Currents

Best Build: Lightning Spear Build and Frozen Orb Build
Gives a huge burst of damage, causing free Shock Skills to consistently be used.

Full Sorcerer Skill List

As the name implies, these are your most basic Skills. They are mainly used to apply debuffs, or deal extra damage while you regenerate Mana.

NameMax RankDamage TypeDescriptionEnhancementUpgrade 1 (Glinting)Upgrade 2 (Flickering)
Frost Bolt5ColdThrow a bolt of frost at an enemy, dealing 38% damage and Chilling them for 15%.Frost Bolt has a 15% chance to explode on Chilled targets, hitting surrounding enemies. Chance increased to 100% against Frozen targets.Frost Bolt generates 4 Mana when hitting Chilled or Frozen enemies.Frost Bolt makes Frozen enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
Fire Bolt5FireHurl a flaming bolt, dealing 18% damage and Burning for 44% over 8 seconds.Fire Bolt pierces Burning enemies.Critical Strikes with Fire Bolt increase the Burning damage the target takes by 20% for 4 seconds.Fire Bolt generates 2 Mana when hitting an enemy.
Arc Lash5LightningUnleash arcing lightning that deals 42% damage to enemies in front of you. Every 10 times Arc Lash swipes, it Stuns all enemies hit for 2 seconds.If Arc Lash’s initial swipe Critically Strikes, it swipes an additional time.Hitting a Stunned enemy with Arc Lash reduces your Cooldowns by 0.15 seconds.Arc Lash grants 5 Mana if your swipe hits at least one enemy. When you hit 3 or more enemies or a Boss, your next swipe also deals 50% more damage.
Spark5LightningLaunch a bolt of lightning that shocks an enemy 4 times, dealing 12% damage each hit.Each time Spark hits its primary target, it has a 40% chance to hit up to 3 additional enemies, dealing 8% damage. If there are no other enemies to hit, Spark instead deals 20% increased damage to its primary target.Spark grants 2% increased Critical Strike Chance per cast for 5 seconds, up to 8%. At max stacks, your Spark hits grant 1 Mana.Each time Spark hits an enemy it has a 4% chance to spawn a Crackling Energy.

These Skills will be the Sorcerer’s main source of damage. This is where the majority of your Mana will be spent.

NameSkill/PassiveMax RankDamage TypeDescriptionEnhancementUpgrade 1 (Greater)Upgrade 2 (Destructive)
Frozen OrbSkill5ColdUnleash an orb that Chills for 34% and expels piercing shards, dealing a total of 50% damage. Upon expiration, Frozen Orb explodes, dealing 52% damage and Chilling enemies for 9%.While Healthy, the explosion of Frozen Orb deals 45% increased damage.Frozen Orb’s explosion has a 40% chance to make all enemies hit Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Frozen Orb always makes Frozen enemies Vulnerable.Frozen Orb’s explosion restores 5 Mana when hitting a Frozen enemy.
Ice ShardsSkill5ColdLaunch 5 shards that deal 36% damage each. Deals 25% increased damage to Frozen enemies.Ice Shards have a 50% chance to ricochet to another enemy. Ice Shards always ricochet off Frozen enemies.While you have a Barrier active, Ice Shards treats enemies as if they were Frozen.Hitting an enemy with 5 Ice Shards in a single cast makes them Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
FireballSkill5FireHurl an exploding ball of fire, dealing 66% damage to surrounding enemies.Casting Fireball increases its radius by 50%.Fireball deals 10% of the Burning damage you’ve applied to enemies as additional direct damage.Fireball’s explosion’s Critical Strike Damage is increased by 20%. This bonus is increased to 30% if Fireball hits at least 3 enemies.
IncinerateSkill5FireChannel a beam of fire, Burning enemies for 76%. Damage per second increases over 4 seconds, up to 101%. While channeling, gain 15% Damage ReductionWhile Channeling Incinerate, you burn nearby enemies for 25% of the damage per second.Every 3 seconds an enemy has been hit by Incinerate, they are immobilized for 1 second.Enemies deal 20% less damage while Burning from Incinerate.
Charged BoltsSkill5LightningRelease 5 bolts of lightning that course along the ground in erratic pattern, dealing 45% damage each.Hitting an enemy at least 3 times with the same cast as Charged Bolts releases a lightning nova, dealing 79% damage to enemies around them.Charged Bolts deals 25% increased damage to Stunned enemies.Hitting an enemy with Charged Bolts reduces their damage dealt by 25% for 3 seconds.
Chain LightningSkill5LightningUnleash a stream of lightning that deals 43% damage and chains between nearby enemies and you up to 5 times, prioritizing enemies.Chain Lightning gains a 3% increased Critical Strike Chance per bounce.Each time Chain Lightning bounces, it deals 10% increased damage for its duration, up to 30%.When Chain Lightning Critically Strikes, it has a 30% chance to form a Crackling Energy.
Potent WardingPassive3After casting a Non-Basic Skill, you gain 2% Resistance to all elements and 1% additional Resistance to that Skill’s element for 9 seconds.
DevastationPassive3Your Maximum Mana is increased by 3.
Elemental Dominance (requires 1 Point in Devastation)Passive3Your Core and Mastery Skills deal 4% increased damage when cast over 50 Mana.

These Skills will boost the Socerer’s defensive capabilities, though the approaches will offer a bit of variety.

NameSkill/PassiveMax RankDamage TypeDescriptionEnhancementUpgrade 1 (Mystical)Upgrade 2 (Shimmering)
Flame ShieldSkill5FireEngulf yourself in flames for 2 seconds, Burning surrounding enemies for 40% damage per second.

While Flame Shield is active, you are Immune.
Flame Shield has a 50% larger burn radius.After Flame Shield ends, surrounding enemies are Stunned for 3 seconds and your next Skill within 10 seconds is a guaranteed Critical Strike.Flame Shield heals you for 50% of your missing Life.
TeleportSkill5LightningTransform into lightning, becoming Unstoppable and surging to the target location, dealing 35% damage around you upon arrival.You gain 30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds after Teleporting.Teleport deals 500% increased damage. It also forms a Crackling Energy for each enemy it hits, up to 3.After Teleporting, you gain 30% damage reduction for 3 seconds.
Ice ArmorSkill5A Barrier of ice forms around you for 6 seconds, absorbing 40% of your Base Life in damage.While Ice Armor is active your Mana Regeneration is increased by 30%.While Ice Armor is active, you periodically Chill Close enemies for 20% and deal 15% increased damage to Frozen enemies.While Ice Armor is active, you reduce its Cooldown by 1 second for every 50 Mana you spend.
Frost NovaSkill5Unleash a torrent of frost, Freezing enemies around you for 3 seconds.Killing enemies Frozen by Frost Nova reduces its Cooldown by 1 seconds, up to 4 seconds per cast.Frost Nova’s makes enemies Vulnerable for 4 seconds, increased to 6 seconds against bosses.Frost Nova grants 3% Dodge Chance per enemy hit, up to 15%. Hitting a Boss gives the maximum amount. For the next 8 seconds, you keep this effect, and successful Dodges generate 20 Mana.
Glass CannonPassive3You deal 6% increased damage, but take 3% more damage.
Elemental AttunementPassive3Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have a 7% chance to reset the Cooldown of one of your Defensive Skills. Can only happen once every 10 seconds.

These Skills allow the Sorcerer to briefly summon something to help them in combat.

NameSkill/PassiveMax RankDamage TypeDescriptionEnhancementUpgrade 1 (Summoned)Upgrade 2 (Invoked)
Ice BladesSkill5ColdConjure a pair of ice blades for 6 seconds that rapidly slash enemies for 23% damage and have a 40% chance to make the Vulnerable for 2 seconds.Ice Blades’s Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 second each time it hits a Vulnerable enemy.20% of Enhanced Ice Blades’s Cooldown reduction is applied to your other Skills.Your Ice Blades gain 10% increased Attack Speed per active Ice Blades.
HydraSkill5FireSummon a 3-headed hydra for 10 seconds. Each head spits fire at a nearby enemy, dealing 16% damage.

Maximum 2 active Hydras at a time.
While Healthy, your casts of Hydra gain 1 additional head.Hydra also Burns enemies for an additional 100% of its Base damage dealt over 6 seconds.After you Critically Strike, your Hydras gain 30% Critical Strike Chance for 3 seconds.
Lightning SpearSkill5LightningConjure a spear of lightning that seeks out enemies for 6.0 seconds, dealing 16% damage per hit. Critical Strikes apply Vulnerable for 3 seconds.Casting Lightning Spear spawns an additional Lightning Spear and increases their Critical Strike Chance by 15%.Collecting Crackling Energy increases the damage of your next Lightning Spear cast by 20%, up to 160%.Lightning Spear Stuns enemies for 2 seconds when Critically Striking.
Precision MagicPassive3Your Lucky Hit Chance is increased by 5%.
Align the ElementsPassive3You gain 3% Damage Reduction against Elites for each second you haven’t taken damage from one, up to 60%.
Mana Shield (requires 1 Point in Align the Elements)Passive3Every time you spend 100 Mana, you gain 10% Damage Reduction for 5 seconds.
Protection (requires 1 Point in Align the Elements)Passive3Using a Cooldown grants 10% of your Maximum Life as Barrier for 3 seconds.
Conjuration MasteryPassive3You gain 1% increased damage, 1% Movement Speed, and 2% Mana Generation for each active Conjuration.

These are powerful AoE Skills that show the Sorcerer’s mastery of the elements.

NameSkill/PassiveMax RankDamage TypeDescriptionEnhancementUpgrade 1 (Mage’s)Upgrade 2 (Wizard’s)
BlizzardSkill5ColdSummon a frigid blizzard that deals 210% damage and continuously Chills enemies for 18% over 8 seconds.Blizzard deals 40% increased damage to Frozen enemies.When cast above 50 Mana, Blizzard’s duration is increased by 4 seconds.While Blizzard is active, you gain 1 Mana Regeneration for every 20 Maximum Mana.
MeteorSkill5FireSummon a meteor that strikes the target location, dealing 96% damage and Burning the ground for 35% damage over 3 seconds.If Meteor hits 3 or more enemies, there is a 30% chance an additional Meteor falls on the same location.Meteor falls 30% faster.Meteor’s impact Immobilizes enemies for 2 seconds.
FirewallSkill5FireCreate a wall of flames that Burns enemies for 230% over 8 seconds.Enemies take 25% increased Burning damage from you while standing in Firewall.Enemies continue burning for 3 seconds after leaving Firewall.You gain 5% increased Mana Regeneration per active Firewall, up to 35%.
Ball LightningSkill5LightningDischarge a ball of lightning that slowly moves forward, continually zapping enemies for 24% damage.Ball Lightning’s damage rate is increased by 200% of your Attack Speed Bonus.After hitting Close enemies 50 times with Ball Lightning, your next cast of it Stuns enemies hit for 1 second.If an enemy is hit at least 4 times by a cast of Ball Lightning, a Crackling Energy is formed. Can only happen once per cast.
Inner FlamesPassive3Your Pyromancy Skills deal 3% more damage while you are Healthy.
Devouring Flames (requires 1 Point in Inner Flames)Passive3You deal 7% increased Critical Strike Damage against Burning enemies. if they are also Crowd Controlled, this bonus is increased to 10%.
Crippling Flames (requires 1 Point in Inner Flames)Passive3Lucky Hit: Your Pyromancy Skills have a 7% chance to Immobilize enemies for 2 seconds. This chance is doubled while you are Healthy.
Static DischargePassive3Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes with Shock Skills have a 6% chance to form a Crackling Energy.
Invigorating Conduit (requires 1 Point in Static Discharge)Passive3Upon absorbing Crackling Energy, you gain 4 Mana.
Shocking Impact (requires 1 Point in Static Discharge)Passive3Every time you Stun an enemy you deal 50% Lightning Damage to them.
Icy VeilPassive3Your Barriers have 5% increased duration.
Cold Front (requires 1 Point in Icy Veil)Passive3While you have a Barrier active, you apply 8% more Chill.
Snap Freeze (requires 1 Point in Icy Veil)Passive3Lucky Hit: Frost Skills have a 7% chance to instantly Freeze.

These are high-impact Skills with long cooldowns. Unlike the other Skills, these have a two-step linear upgrade path. There are also many Passives in this tier to help you focus on a specific element. You can only choose one Skill from this tree. However, you are free to pick as many Passives you want, just like in all of the previous tiers.

NameSkill/PassiveMax RankDamage TypeDescriptionUpgrade 1Upgrade 2
Deep FreezeSkill1ColdEncase yourself in ice, becoming Immune for 4 seconds, continually dealing 25% damage, and Chilling enemies for 14%. When Deep Freeze expires, it deals an additional 100% damage.

Casting Deep Freeze again ends the effect early.
When Deep Freeze ends, make enemies Vulnerable for 5 seconds, and gain 10% of your Base Life as a Barrier for 6 seconds for each enemy you Froze while it was active.When Deep Freeze ends, your Non-Ultimate Cooldowns are reduced by 100%.
InfernoSkill1FireSummon a fiery serpent that continually constricts the target area, Burning enemies for 315% damage over 8 seconds.Inferno repeatedly pulls enemies towards its center.While Inferno is active, your Pyromancy Skills cost no Mana.
Unstable CurrentsSkill1LightningLightning surges within you for 10 seconds. Whenever you cast a Shock Skill, a random Core, Conjuration, or Mastery Shock Skill is also cast.Unstable Currents increases Attack Speed by 25% while active.While Unstable Currents is active, collecting Crackling Energy continually pulses and consumes no charges.
PermafrostPassive3Frost Skills deal 5% increased damage to Elites.
Hoarfrost (requires 1 Point in Frostbite)Passive3You deal 3% increased damage to Chilled enemies, and 6% damage to Frozen enemies.
Icy Touch (requires 1 Point in Frostbite)Passive3You deal 4% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.
Frigid Breeze (requires 1 Point in Permafrost of Icy Touch)Passive3Lucky Hit: Cold damage against Vulnerable enemies has a 20% chance to generate 5 Mana.
Fiery SurgePassive3Killing a Burning enemy increases your Mana Regeneration by 15% for 3 seconds.
Soulfire (requires 1 Point in Immolated Flesh)Passive3After standing still for 1.5 seconds, your Pyromancy Skills cost 5% less Mana.
Endless Pyre (requires 1 Point in Immolated Flesh)Passive3You deal increased Burning damage to enemies for each second they remain Burning, up to 5% after 5 seconds.
Warmth (requires 1 Point in Fiery Surge and Endless Pyre)Passive3Every 1 second, you Heal for 1% of your Maximum Life for each nearby Burning enemy. Healing is increased to 2% from bosses.
Coursing CurrentsPassive3Hitting enemies with Shock Skills increases your Critical Strike Chance by 1%. Resets upon getting a Critical Strike.
ElectrocutionPassive3Enemies deal 5% less damage for 5 seconds after being Critically Struck by your Shock Skills.
ConductionPassive3Critical Strikes with Shock Skills increase your Movement Speed by 3% for 3 seconds.
ConvulsionsPassive3Lucky Hit: Shock Skills have a 7% chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds.

These are powerful Passives that will likely define your Sorcerer’s overall playstyle. Only one of these Passives can be chosen.

NameMax RankDescription
Avalanche1Lucky Hit: Your Frost Skills have up to a 10% chance to make your next cast of Ice Shards, Frozen Orb, or Blizzard consume no Mana and deal 40% more damage. Chance is doubled against Vulnerable enemies.
Shatter1After Freeze expires, enemies explode for 45% of the damage you dealt to them while Frozen.
Overflowing Energy1Crackling Energy hits 1 additional enemy. Each time Crackling Energy hits an enemy, your Shock Skill Cooldowns are reduced by 0.1 seconds, increased to 0.25 seconds against Elites.
Vyr’s Mastery1When you Critical Strike an enemy with a Shock Skill you become Charged and take 25% less damage for 5 seconds. While Charged, Critical Strikes have a 10% chance to causes the damage to arc as Lightning damage to another Nearby enemy, or if there are no other targets you hit the target again for 250% of the damage.
Combustion1Your Burning effects deal 60% increased damage, and an additional 4% per unique source of Burning you have applied to the enemy.
Esu’s Ferocity1Your Fire Critical Strike Damage is increased by 25% to enemies above 50% Life. Your Fire Critical Strike Chance is increased by 5% to enemies below 50% Life.

Killing an enemy with a Critical Strikes grants both bonuses against all enemies for 3 seconds.
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