The Barbarian’s specialization in melee combat shows in their Skills, as all of their damaging attack are either done at melee range, or close the gap between them and their enemies. While Skill tiers such as Core and Weapon Mastery focus on offensive moves, they can gain some supportive abilities and even tank with Skills from the Defensive and Brawling tiers.
Their Mount Skill is Bounding Slam. It allows them to leap from their mount and pummel the ground twice, dealing 112% damage and Stunning enemies.
- All damaging Skills deal Physical damage.
- Many of the Barbarian’s Skills will allow you to choose what weapon you wield while using it.
- This can be chosen in the Skills tab.
- Some Skills will require you to use a specific weapon, so be mindful of those if you wish to focus on a specific weapon type.
- For Skills that allow you to execute with different weapon types, make sure to choose which weapon you want. The weapon will be auto by default, meaning that the Skill can be used with the weapon you don’t want.
- All Skills (besides the ones in the Ultimate tier) will have an Enhancement and two Upgrades.
- Only one Upgrade per Skill can be chosen, and the Enhancement must be learned first.
Best Barbarian Skills
Once you reach level 50 in Diablo 4, it’s time to figure out your Build, and the first step in that is determining what Skills you want to focus on. Your Skills will determine which weapons and armor you will want to go for, as well as what your rotation and approach will be, so picking the right set can be important.
While some Skills will be for specific Builds (and will often become their focus), other Skills are a staple for just about every Barbarian.
Best Core Skills

Best Build: Whirlwind Build
This will be the primary Skill for this Build. It will constantly damage everyone around you, while also summoning Dust Devils (while using the Demonblade Aspect).

Double Swing
Best Build: Double Swing Build
This will be the primary Skill for this Build. Not only will it damage everyone in front of you, bit it will summon Dust Devils (with the Windlasher Aspect equipped), and will help keep your Berserk up.

Hammer of the Ancients
Best Build: Hammer of the Ancients Build
This will be the primary Skill for this Build. This will essentially act as a large AoE attack.
Best Defensive Skills

Challenging Shout
Best Build: Whirlwind Build and Hammer of the Ancients Build
A great shout for AoE focused Builds, this will not only group enemies up, but will give a huge boost in survivability.

Rallying Cry
Best Build: Any
A staple for all Barbarians, this Shout will give you Movement Speed, Fury regen, and Unstoppable.
Best Brawling Skills

War Cry
Best Build: Whirlwind Build
This Shout will provide a boost of damage, as well as an easy way to gain Berserking.

Best Build: Whirlwind Build
This Skill is a great way to make an enemy Vulnerable, particularly Bosses.

Best Build: Double Swing Build
This gives you a great source of mobility, as well as making you Unstoppable.

Best Build: Double Swing Build and Hammer of the Ancients Build
This gives you a great source of mobility, as well as a few buffs.
Best Weapon Mastery Skills

Best Build: Double Swing Build and Hammer of the Ancients Build
Allows you to boost both your damage and Attack Speed.
Best Ultimate Skills

Wrath of the Berserker
Best Build: Any
The Standard Ultimate for just about every Build, this loaded buff gives you Berserking, Unstoppable, Movement Speed, and Fury regen, all in one.