Boulder Druid Build

This mobile Build will let you destroy any enemy that gets close to you with a barrage of boulders that surround you.


The Build mainly revolves around the use of Boulder. You will also need to use Hurricane in order to take advantage of the Dolmen Stone’s effect to make Boulder rotate around you.

Additional Core Skills:

  • Shred – helps stay on top of enemies while Boulder is knocking them away.
  • Earthen Bulwark – gives a boost in survivability.
  • Rabies – a great way to poison enemies.
  • Cataclysm – used to give you infinite Spirit while it’s up.


The Key Passive for this Build is Ursine Strenth, as it will give a constant boost in damage and survivability.

Additional Passives:

  • Iron Fur, Ancestral Fortitude, Mending, Neurotoxin, and Heightened Senses will increase your survivability.
  • Wild Impulses, Predatory Instinct, Elemental Exposure, Endless Tempest, Provocation, Crushing Earth, Stone Guard, Defiance, Natural Disaster, and Quickshift will boost your damage.
  • Heart of the Wild – will increase your Maximum Spirit.

Spirit Boons

You will want to bond with the Spirit Eagle, then take the following Boons:

  • Wariness – to increase your Survivability against Elites.
  • Iron Feather – gives a huge boost to Maximum Health.
  • Avian Wrath – will further increase your damage.
  • Bolster – gives some extra survivability.
  • Obsidian Slam – provides some extra damage.

Paragon Boards

  • Board 1 (Start):
    • Use Dominate Glyph
    • Connect at the top end
  • Board 2 (Heightened Malice):
    • Don’t rotate
    • Take Legendary Node
    • Use Earth and Sky Glyph
    • Connect at the left end
  • Board 3 (Constricting Tendrils):
    • Rotate three times
    • Take Legendary Node
    • Use Outmatch Glyph
    • Connect at the top end
  • Board 4 (Thunderstruck):
    • Rotate once
    • Don’t take Legendary Node
    • Use Spirit Glyph
    • Connect at the right end
  • Board 5 (Earthen Devastation):
    • Rotate once
    • Take Legendary Node
    • Use Fang and Claw Glyph
    • Connect at the bottom end (board 2) and the right end (board 6)
  • Board 6 (Survival Instincts):
    • Don’t rotate
    • Take Legendary Node
    • Use Tectonic Glyph

Glyph Leveling Priorities

Level 15Level 21
1. Earth and Sky1. Spirit
2. Outmatch2. Tectonic
3. Fang and Claw3. Fang and Claw
4. Spirit4. Outmatch
5. Tectonic5. Earth and Sky
6. Dominate6. Dominate


Dolmen Stone will cause Boulder to rotate around you while Hurricane is active, and is essential for this Build. Mjölnic Ryng is another essential piece, as it will give you a constant supply of infinite Spirit. Vasily’s Prayer will turn your Earth Skills into Werebear ones while also boosting them, while Insatiable Fury will enhance all Werebear Skills. Flickerstep will keep the Cooldown of Cataclysm low.

On top of these pieces, you will want these Legendary Aspects:

  • Metamorphic Stone – will allow you to spam Boulder more.
  • Skinwalker – will help with survivability.
  • Changeling’s Debt and Retaliation will give you a boost in damage.

Equipment Stat Priorities

SlotStat PrioritiesTempering
Main Hand1. Willpower
2. Maximum Life
3. Critical Strike Damage
4. Vulnerable Damage
– Chance for Landslides to Cast Twice
– Damage To Crowd Controlled Enemies
Helm1. Willpower
2. Maximum Life
3. Armor
4. Ranks to Defensive Posture
Chest Armor1. Ranks to Ursine Strength
2. Ranks to Iron Fur
3. Maximum Life
4. Werebear Overpower
Gloves1. Ranks to Core Skills
2. Critical Strike Chance
3. Attack Speed
4. Willpower
– Earth Skill Critical Strike Chance
– Crowd Control Duration
Pants1. Willpower
2. Maximum Life
3. Armor
4. Dodge
– Maximum Life
– Crowd Control Duration
Boots1. Damage Reduction Close
2. Movement Speed
3. Ultimate Damage
4. Lightning Resist
Amulet1. Nature Magic Cooldown Reduction
2. Ranks to Wrath Skills
3. Ranks to Crushing Earth
4. Movement Speed Hurricane
Rings1. Critical Strike Chance
2. Attack Speed
3. Willpower
4. Maximum Life
– Earth Skill Critical Strike Chance
Cataclysm Cooldown Reduction
Hurricane Cooldown Reduction



Boulder Druid Endgame Guide

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Boulder Druid Endgame Build Guide

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