Once you reach level 50 and have chosen a Build for your Druid, you will want to start picking out the best weapons to complement it. The weapons or Legendary Aspects are designed to enhance either a specific Skill, a group of Skills, or your overall damage. Some of these will be best for a specific Build, but many will be good for most, if not all Druids.
Best Druid Legendary Aspects

Aspect of the Aftershock
(Offensive Aspect)
Causes the pillars from Landslide to strike enemies a second time.
Best Build: Landslide Build
Gives a huge boost to your main source of damage.

Aspect of Metamorphic Stone
(Offensive Aspect)
Converts Boulder into a Core Skill and gives it a Spirit cost.
Best Build: Boulder Build
Allows you to spam your primary Skill.

Aspect of The Alpha
(Offensive Aspect)
Turns your Wolf Companions into Werewolves, increasing their damage and allowing them to infect enemies with Rabies.
Best Build: Companion Build
Makes your Wolves much more effective.