The Necromancer’s mastery of the undead is in their Skills, which let them take advantage of their dead enemies in a variety of creative ways. This includes using their corpses as a weapon, as a way to get some utility, or even to raise them as Minions. Skills in the Macabre tier will equip Necromancers with some extra utility, while the Corruption tier offers them a way to make their enemies vulnerable against their assault.
Their Mount Skill is Bone Spikes. It allows them to leap from their mount and slam the ground, unleashing trails of spikes that deal 120% damage and Stun enemies for 2 seconds.
- Necromancer Skills will deal either Physical or Shadow damage.
- Some Skills will consume Corpses of slain enemies as a ‘resource’ to activate.
- Many Upgrades and Passives give alternate ways to spawn Corpses, making it easier to summon them.
- Many of the Skills (the Blood ones, in particular) will drop Blood Orbs. Picking these up will restore your Health.
- Because of the Book of the Dead, Necromancers will get 1 or 2 extra Skills.
- Because of this, they will have to be more mindful about which Skills they want to learn from their Skill Tree, compared to other Classes.
- All Skills (besides the ones in the Ultimate tier) will have an Enhancement and two Upgrades.
- Only one Upgrade per Skill can be chosen, and the Enhancement must be learned first.
Best Necromancer Skills
Once you reach level 50 in Diablo 4, it’s time to figure out your Build, and the first step in that is determining what Skills you want to focus on. Your skills will determine which weapons and armor you will want to go for, as well as what your rotation and approach will be, so picking the right set can be important.
While some Skills will be for specific Builds (and will often become their focus), other Skills are a staple for just about every Necromancer.
Best Summoning Skills

Raise Skeleton
Best Build: Bone Spirit Build and Minion Build
This is needed to raise your Skeletal Warriors and Mages, as well as give them a temporary damage boost.

Best Build: Minion Build
This is needed to summon your Golem, and give it a temporary boost.
Best Core Skills

Bone Spear
Best Build: Bone Spear Build
This will be the primary Skill for this Build. This will hit a few enemies, then break apart to hit even more.
Best Corpse and Macabre Skills

Corpse Explosion
Best Build: Bone Spear Build
An AoE attack that mostly serves to keep your damage high.

Blood Mist
Best Build: Bone Spirit Build and Bone Spear Build
A great move to give you a lot of survivability.

Corpse Tendrils
Best Build: Any
This Skill pulls all enemies in one area, as well as Slowing, Stunning, and making them Vulnerable.

Bone Spirit
Best Build: Bone Spirit Build
This is the primary Skill for this Build. It will be used to make a huge explosion that deals massive damage.
Best Curse Skills

Best Build: Any
This curse will Crowd Control enemies, cause them to deal less damage, and help reduce the Cooldowns of all your other Skills.
Best Ultimate Skills

Bone Storm
Best Build: Bone Spear Build
This Skill will both increase your damage and damage reduction, while providing some extra damage to enemies around you.