Once you reach level 50 and have chosen a Build for your Rogue, you will want to start picking out the best armor to complement it. The Armor and Legendary Aspects are designed to enhance either a group of Skills, your mobility, or give some kind of utility. Some of these will be best for a specific Build, but many will be good for most, if not all Rogues.
Best Rogue Armor

Scoundrel’s Kiss
Upgrades the arrows from Rapid Fire to be explosive.
Best Build: Rapid Fire Build
A staple for this Build, it will give your main Skill the ability to deal area damage.

Shroud of Khanduras
(Chest Armor)
Causes your Dark Shroud to make you Immune, and Evading while it’s active will leave behind an explosion that damages and Pulls In enemies.
Best Build: Penetrating Shot Build
Makes Dark Shroud more effective, while also letting it combo with Evade.

Makes each enemy you Evade through reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate.
Best Build: Penetrating Shot Build
Helps keep the Cooldown of your Ultimate low

Cowl of the Nameless
Increases your Lucky Hit Chance against Crowd Controlled enemies.
Best Build: Any
Allows all of your Lucky Hit effects to activate more.
Best Rogue Legendary Aspects

Aspect of the Expectant
(Offensive Aspect)
Increases the damage of your next Core Skill after attacking enemies with a Basic Skill.
Best Build: Rapid Fire Build
Boosts the damage of your primary Skill.

Coldclip Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Makes your Basic Skills always be Cold Imbued, while increasing your damage to enemies that are Chilled or Frozen.
Best Build: Rapid Fire Build
Boosts the damage of your primary Skill.

Aspect of Branching Volleys
(Offensive Aspect)
Increases the damage of arrows that ricochet from Barrage, while also giving its arrows a chance to split whenever they ricochet.
Best Build: Barrage Build
Greatly increases Barrage’s area damage.

High Velocity Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Causes Barrage to pierce through one enemy, while also increasing its Attack Speed.
Best Build: Barrage Build
Greatly increases the damage of your primary Skill.

Cheat’s Aspect
(Defensive Aspect)
Reduces the damage you take from Crowd Controlled enemies, while also giving you a boost in Movement Speed when they damage you.
Best Build: Barrage Build
Increases your Survivability while giving you boosts in Movement Speed.

Starlight Aspect
(Resource Aspect)
Gain some primary Resource every time you heal a certain amount of health.
Best Build: Barrage Build
Helps keep your Energy high.

Trickshot Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Allows additional arrows to split off of Penetrating Shot whenever it damages an enemy.
Best Build: Penetrating Shot Build
Greatly enhances your primary Skill.

Aspect of Retribution
(Offensive Aspect)
Gives you a chance to Stun Distant enemies when they hit you. Also increases your damage against Stunned and Knocked Down enemies.
Best Build: Penetrating Shot Build
Gives you some extra damage and survivability.

Edgemaster’s Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Grants you more damage based on how much of your Primary Resource you have.
Best Build: Rapid Fire Build and Penetrating Shot Build
Gives an overall damage boost.

Frostbitten Aspect
(Utility Aspect)
Gives your Grenade Skills a chance to make enemies Frozen.
Best Build: Rapid Fire Build and Barrage Build
Helps keep enemies in place.

Umbrous Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Gives a chance for your Marksman Skills’ Critical Strikes to grant a free Dark Shroud shadow.
Best Build: Any
Allows you to use Dark Shroud without having it equipped, essentially giving you a ‘7th’ Skill.

Aspect of Concussive Strikes
(Utility Aspect)
Gives you a chance to Daze enemies when you damage them.
Best Build: Any
Helps keep enemies away from you.