Rogues may have the widest variety of Skills and playstyles out of any Class. This is because they have have a mix of both melee and ranged attacks in their Skills, and can even add elemental effects with Skills from the Imbuement Skills tier. They also gain access to traps in the Agility and Subterfuge tiers, further mixing up their playstyle.
Their Mount Skill is Volley. It allows them to leap upwards from their mount and unleash a volley of arrows, dealing 105%.
- The vast majority of the Rogue’s Skills deal physical damage. However, some traps and effects can deal Cold, Poison, or Shadow damage.
- Some Skills will require you to use either your Ranged weapon or your dual wield weapons.
- When using an Imbuement Skill, the icon of the Skills affected by it will change color to match the Imbuement.
- Depending on the Skills and Passives you choose, you can either choose to focus on melee or ranged combat, or you can even have a mix of both.
- All Skills (besides the ones in the Ultimate tier) will have an Enhancement, and two Upgrades.
- Only one Upgrade per Skill can be chosen, and the Enhancement must be learned first.
Best Rogue Skills
Once you reach level 50 in Diablo 4, it’s time to figure out your Build, and the first step in that is determining what Skills you want to focus on. Your skills will determine which weapons and armor you will want to go for, as well as what your rotation and approach will be, so picking the right set can be important.
While some Skills will be for specific Builds (and will often become their focus), other Skills are a staple for just about every Rogue.
Best Basic Skills

Best Build: Rapid Fire Build
This move will be used to build up Combo Points and stacks of Precision.

Best Build: Penetrating Shot Build
This move will be used to build up Combo Points, and will raise your Critical Strike Chance, Critical Strike Damage, and Attack Speed.
Best Core Skills

Rapid Fire
Best Build: Rapid Fire Build
The primary Skill for this Build. With the Scoudrel’s Kiss, it’s capable of quickly damaging single enemies and groups of enemies.

Penetrating Shot
Best Build: Penetrating Shot Build
The primary Skill for this Build. It is the strongest AoE Skill that a Rogue has, and the Trickshot Aspect makes the AoE potential even better.

Best Build: Barrage Build
The primary Skill for this Build. It can be used either as a spread shot from a distance to hit groups, or a focused shot up close to deal massive damage to one enemy.
Best Agility Skills

Shadow Step
Best Build: Barrage Build and Penetrating Shot Build
This is a great source of mobility that can get you out of a tough situation.

Best Build: Rapid Fire Build and Barrage Build
This is a great way to keep enemies at a distance, while also boosting your damage.

Best Build: Any
This will be your primary source of mobility to reposition yourself whenever needed.
Best Subterfuge Skills

Smoke Grenade
Best Build: Rapid Fire Build and Barrage Build
Both increases your damage and disables your enemies.

Smoke Grenade
Best Build: Penetrating Shot Build
Gives a huge boost in damage.
Best Imbuement Skills

Cold Imbuement
Best Build: Rapid Fire Build
Helps keep enemies under control while boosting your damage.
Best Ultimate Skills

Rain of Arrows
Best Build: Barrage Build
Provides various buffs while also helping you spam Barrage more.

Death Trap
Best Build: Penetrating Shot Build
Helps group enemies together and gives you a damage boost.