Once you reach level 50 and have chosen a Build for your Sorcerer, you will want to start picking out the best armor to complement it. The Armor and Legendary Aspects are designed to enhance either a group of Skills, your mobility, or give some kind of utility. Some of these will be best for a specific Build, but many will be good for most, if not all Sorcerers.
Best Sorcerer Armor

Blue rose
Gives a Lucky Hit chance to spawn Ice Spikes, with a much higher chance against Frozen enemies.
Best Build: Blizzard Build
Gives you another source of Ice Spikes.

Esu’s Heirloom
Your Critical Strike Chance is increased based on your Movement Speed.
Best Build: Lightning Spear Build and Frozen Orb Build
Gives you a boost in damage.

Fractured Winterglass
Gives your Frozen Orb and Conjuration Skills a chance to freely cast one another
Best Build: Lightning Spear Build and Frozen Orb Build
Gives you free casts and a boost in damage.

Godslayer Crown
Causes Elites or Bosses to pull in Nearby enemies when you Stun, Freeze, or Immobilize them, while also increasing the damage you do to them briefly.
Best Build: Frozen Orb Build and Blizzard Build
Helps group enemies together, while also increasing your damage.

Tibault’s Will
Grants 50 of your Primary Resource when you become Unstoppable. Also boosts damage while Unstoppable.
Best Build: Any
Gives you an extra source of Mana, as well as an overall damage boost.

Tal Rasha’s Iridescent Loop
Temporarily increases your damage for each type of Elemental damage you deal.
Best Build: Any
Gives you a consistent damage boost.
Best Sorcerer Legendary Aspects

Aspect of Frozen Orbit
(Offensive Aspect)
Causes Frozen Orb to explode 2 extra times.
Best Build: Lightning Spear Build
Gives your main Skill a huge damage boost.

Snowveiled Aspect
(Defensive Aspect)
Causes Ice Armor to make you Unstoppable and give some Damage Reduction.
Best Build: Lightning Spear Build
This will give you a boost in Damage Reduction.

Aspect of Concentration
(Defensive Aspect)
Casting a Conjuration Skill will give you some Damage Reduction.
Best Build: Lightning Spear Build
This will give you a boost in Damage Reduction.

Everliving Aspect
(Defensive Aspect)
Reduces the damage you take against Crowd Controlled or Vulnerable enemies.
Best Build: Frozen Orb Build
This will give you a consistent damage boost.

Accelerating Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Causes Critical Strikes with your Core Skills to increase your Attack Speed.
Best Build: Frozen Orb Build
Gives you boosts in Attack Speed.

Snowguard’s Aspect
(Defensive Aspect)
While standing in Blizzard and shortly after, you take less damage.
Best Build: Blizzard Build
Gives a boost in mitigation.

Aspect of the Frozen Tundra
(Offensive Aspect)
Causes Ice Spikes to form in Deep Freeze’s area while it’s active. Also causes Ice Spikes to have an increased explosion radius.
Best Build: Blizzard Build
Makes your Ice Spikes more effective.

Aspect of Metamorphosis
(Mobility Aspect)
Causes your Evade to turn you into a cloud of bats, becoming Unstoppable and damaging enemies in your path.
Best Build: Blizzard Build
Makes your Evade more effective.

Storm Swell Aspect
(Offensive Aspect)
Increases the damage you deal to Vulnerable enemies when you have a Barrier up.
Best Build: Lightning Spear Build and Blizzard Build
This will give you a consistent damage boost.