Spiritborn Builds

Once your Spiritborn reaches level 50, you will be in a prime position to pick and work towards your Build. Keep in mind that your Build will not only define your gameplay going forward, but also your optimal armor and weapons.

Below you can find some of the best Spiritborn Builds for Diablo 4.

diablo 4 crushing hand

Crushing Hand

This AoE focused build will allow you to constantly combo attacks to both reduce the damage you take, and continuously deal more damage to enemies. Damage from this Build will Primarily revolve around Crushing Hand.

diablo 4 quill volley

Quill Volley

Although this Build is focused on a ranged attack, it can accel at both AoE and single targets, because you will be shooting out feathers at all of your enemies like a shotgun! Damage from this Build will Primarily revolve around Quill Volley.

diablo 4 touch of death

Touch of Death

This Build turns your Poison DoT into an instant explosion, destroying waves of enemies quickly while swarming enemies for extra damage. Damage from this Build will Primarily revolve around Touch of Death.

dexerto logo 2

Spiritborn Best Builds