Spiritborn Leveling Build

This is a Build used specifically for leveling your Spiritborn. It revolves around bombarding enemies with feathers while leveling and getting gear for your main Build.

Leveling Builds are a great way to expedite your character to finish the campaign and reach level 50. From there, you can work on setting your Spiritborn up with optimal armor and weapons for your preferred Build to prepare for the more challenging levels.


  • Rock Splitter – helps build your Vigor.
  • Quill Volley – This will be your main source of damage.
  • Soar – gives you more Critical Strikes, and makes enemies Vulnerable.
  • Ravager – gives you a burst of damage.
  • Rushing Claw – helps with mobility.
  • The Seeker – gives a burst of damage, and helps keep enemies Vulnerable.


Once you unlock your Key Passive, you’ll want to get Vital Strikes, as it will give you a great damage boost, and will give you another source of Vigor and healing.

Passive to pick up while leveling:

  • Diminishment, Fueled, Patient Guard, Auspicious, Resilient, and Sustenance will increase your survivability.
  • Focal Point, Apex, Acceleration, Potent, Resolution, and Supremacy will boost your damage.
  • Vigorous, Velocity, Endurance, Brilliance, Intricacy, and Spiritual Attunement will help your utility.

Spirit Hall

You will want to choose Eagle as your Primary Spirit, and Jaguar as your Secondary Spirit, as both will give you an increase in damage.

What’s Next?

Once you reach level 50, you can start working towards an endgame Build: these Builds focus on being able to survive and clear endgame content. You can either make adjustments to this Build to make one focused around Quill Volly, or you can respec your character entirely to start working towards a completely different Build you like.



Quill Volley Eagle Leveling Guide

icy veins icon
Icy Veins

Quill Volley Spiritborn Leveling Build Guide