Aegis of Valor Fist of the Heavens Crusader Build

This straightforward and fast moving Build provides great area damage, allowing you to smite groups of enemies with lightning from the heavens.


aov fist of the heavens crusader build
Example Build in Skill Calculator

This Build mainly revolves around taking advantage of the Aegis of Valor and taking out groups of enemies with Fists of the Heavens. Steed Charge charge is used to automatically proc more uses of Fists of the Heavens while active, while greatly increasing its damage.

Aside from these two, the other core Skills in this Build are:

  • Akarat’s Champion – a staple in Crusader builds; it gives you a boost in both offense and defense.
  • Laws of Hope – provides a boost in mobility and damage.
  • Iron Skin – used to give a boost in damage reduction.
  • Condemn – will help group mobs up together.



The primary armor for this build will be the Aegis of Valor set. You will need five pieces of it for the full effect (if you Cube the Royal Ring of Grandeur). Darklight and Vigilante Belt will both greatly enhance Fists of the Heavens, while the Norvald’s Fervor set keeps Steed Charge up. Pandemonium Loop, Rechel’s Ring of Larceny, and Warzechian Armguards all help give you bursts of movement speed, which will give more damage to Fists of the Heavens.

Boon of the Hoarder, Gogok of Swiftness, and Zei’s Stone of Vengeance are generally the best Legendary Gems. Gogok of Swiftness will give you both Attack Speed and Cooldown Reduction, Zei’s Stone of Vengeance will give you a damage increase, and Boon of the Hoarder will help keep your movement speed high.

Equipment Stat Priorities

SlotStat Priorities
Weapon1. Damage Range
2. Socket (using Ramaladni’s Gift)
3. Cooldown Reduction
4. Damage %
5. Attack Speed
6. Strength
7. Elite Damage
8. Fear on Hit
Off-Hand1. Critical Hit Chance
2. Fists of the Heavens Damage
3. Cooldown Reduction
4. Strength
5. Elite Damage
6. Fear on Hit
Helm1. Fists of the Heavens Damage
2. Critical Hit Chance
3. Socket (Flawless Royal Diamond)
4. Strength
5. Fear on Hit
Gloves1. Critical Hit Chance
2. Cooldown Reduction
3. Critical Hit Damage
4. Attack Speed
5. Strength
Shoulders1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Strength
3. All Resistance
4. Vitality
5. Area Damage
Chest1. Sockets (3 Flawless Royal Diamonds)
2. All Resistance
3. Elite Damage Reduction
4. Strength
5. Vitality
6. Life %
Pants1. Sockets (2 Flawless Royal Diamonds)
2. All Resistance
3. Strength
4. Vitality
Boots1. Fists of the Heavens Damage
2. All Resistance
3. Strength
4. Vitality
Rings1. Socket
2. Cooldown Reduction
3. Critical Hit Damage
4. Critical Hit Chance
5. Attack Speed
Amulet1. Socket
2. Critical Hit Damage
3. Elemental Damage
4. Critical Hit Chance
Bracers1. Elemental Damage
2. Critical Hit Chance
3. Strength
4. Vitality
5. All Resistance
Belt1. All Resistance
2. Strength
3. Life %
4. Vitality

Paragon Points

1. Movement Speed1. Cooldown Reduction1. All Resistance1. Area Damage
2. Strength2. Critical Hit Damage2. Armor2. Pickup Radius
3. Vitality3. Critical Hit Chance3. Life %3. Life per Hit
4. Maximum Wrath4. Attack Speed4. Life Regeneration4. Resource Cost Reduction


AoV Fist of the Heavens Crusader Guide

icy veins icon
Icy Veins

Crusader Fist of the Heavens Build with AoV