Akkhan Invoker Bombardment Crusader Build

A tanky Build that greatly enhances Akarat’s Champion and makes use of several different sets.


akkhan invoker bombardment crusader build
Example Build in Skill Calculator

This build revolves around taking advantage of Armor of Akkhan and keeping up Akarat’s Champion to use the massive enhancements the set gives it. The primary source of damage for this build will be Bombardment.

Aside from these two, the core Skills of this build are:



The primary armor for this build will be the Armor of Akkhan set. You will need five pieces of it for the full effect (if you Cube the Royal Ring of Grandeur). It will also utilize two pieces of the Thorns of the Invoker set to allow Thorns to boost the damage of Bombardment. The Mortal Drama and Belt of the Trove are both essential pieces to Cube, as they further enhance Bombardment, making the Skill much more powerful and allowing it to be cast automatically. The Norvald’s Fervor set will allow Steed Charge to give you a constant damage boost. The Captain Crimson’s Trimmings set will increase both your damage and survivability.

Boyarsky’s Chip, Bane of the Trapped, and Bane of the Stricken are generally the best Legendary Gems, all of which further increase your damage.

Equipment Stat Priorities

SlotStat Priorities
Weapon1. Socket (using Ramaladni’s Gift)
2. Cooldown Reduction
3. Area Damage
4. Elite Damage
5. Strength
Off-Hand1. Bombardment Damage
2. Area Damage
3. Cooldown Reduction
4. Block Chance
5. Thorns
6. Elite Damage
7. Strength
Helm1. Socket (Flawless Royal Diamond)
2. Strength
3. Vitality
4. All Resistance
5. Thorns
Gloves1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Area Damage
3. Critical Hit Damage
4. Thorns
5. Strength
6. Attack Speed
Shoulders1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Bombardment Damage
3. Area Damage
4. Thorns
5. All Resistance
6. Strength
Chest1. Sockets (3 Flawless Royal Diamonds)
2. Bombardment Damage
3. Elite Damage Reduction
4. Thorns
5. All Resistance
6. Strength
7. Vitality
8. Life %
Pants1. Sockets (2 Flawless Royal Diamonds)
2. All Resistance
3. Strength
4. Vitality
5. Thorns
Boots1. All Resistance
2. Strength
3. Vitality
4. Thorns
5. Armor
Rings1. Socket
2. Cooldown Reduction
3. Critical Hit Damage
4. Area Damage
5. Thorns
Amulet1. Socket
2. Critical Hit Damage
3. Physical Damage
4. Area Damage
5. Thorns
6. Cooldown Reduction
7. Strength
Bracers1. Physical Damage
2. Strength
3. Vitality
4. Resistance to All Elements
5. Thorns
Belt1. All Resistance
2. Strength
3. Vitality
4. Thorns
5. Life %

Paragon Points

1. Movement Speed1. Cooldown Reduction1. All Resistance1. Area Damage
2. Strength2. Attack Speed2. Armor2. Resource Cost Reduction
3. Vitality3. Critical Hit Damage3. Life %3. Pickup Radius
4. Maximum Wrath4. Critical Hit Chance4. Life Regeneration4. Life per Hit
  • Prioritize Vitality if you need more survivability.

Akkhan Invoker Bombardment Crusader Guide

icy veins icon
Icy Veins

Crusader Thorns Bombardment Build with Akkhan

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