A ranged build that gives you an army of pets and specializes in high single-target damage. It requires paying attention to the position of your pets, but can be very powerful.

This Build mainly revolves around taking advantage of both the Zunimassa’s Hunt set and Carnevil, amassing a large Fetish Army, and having many of them cast Poison Dart with you to quickly kill enemies.
Aside from these two Skills, other core Skills are:
- Piranhas – used to pull enemies together with the Piranhado Rune and increase the damage your Fetishes do.
- Soul Harvest – gives a temporary boost in offense and defense.
- Spirit Walk – gives you some mobility.
- Big Bad Voodoo – can be used for extra boost to your damage, as well as some movement speed.
- Horrify – can be used to enhance your survivability.
- Pierce the Veil – will give you a boost in damage.
- Spirit Vessel – gives you a safety net from dying.
- Fetish Sycophants – allows you to summon more Fetishes as you deal damage.
- Grave Injustice – will help reduce cooldowns, and give you more health and Mana.
- Swampland Attunement – can be used for a large boost to your defense.
The primary armor will be the Zunimassa’s Haunt set. You will need five pieces of it for the full effect (if you Cube the Royal Ring of Grandeur). The other main piece for this build is the Carnevil, as it makes 10 Fetishes that are closest to you cast Poison Darts when you do (and their version is the main source of this Build’s damage). The Dagger of Darts, Mask of Jeram, and the Depth Diggers will enhance Poison Darts further. Echoing Fury, Convention of Elements, and the Squirt’s Necklace will all enhance your damage. The Aughild’s Authority set will increase your offense and defense.
Simplicity’s Strength, Enforcer, and Bane of the Stricken are generally the best Legendary Gems, all of which further increase your damage.
Equipment Stat Priorities
Slot | Stat Priorities |
Weapon | 1. Damage Range 2. Socket (using Ramaladni’s Gift) 3. Attack Speed 4. Damage % 5. Area Damage 6. Intelligence |
Off-Hand | 1. Fetish Army Damage 2. Critical Hit Chance 3. Area Damage 4. Intelligence 5. Elite Damage 6. Vitality |
Helm | 1. Socket (Flawless Royal Diamond) 2. Critical Hit Chance 3. Intelligence 4. Vitality 5. Armor |
Gloves | 1. Critical Hit Chance 2. Attack Speed 3. Critical Hit Damage 4. Area Damage 5. Intelligence |
Shoulders | 1. Fetish Army Damage 2. Area Damage 3. Intelligence 4. Cooldown Reduction 5. Vitality |
Chest | 1. Fetish Army Damage 2. Sockets (3 Flawless Royal Rubies) 3. Intelligence 4. Vitality 5. Armor |
Pants | 1. Poison Dart Damage 2. Intelligence 3. Vitality 4. Armor 5. Sockets (2 Flawless Royal Rubies) |
Boots | 1. Intelligence 2. Vitality 3. Armor 4. All Resistance 5. Life Regeneration |
Rings | 1. Socket 2. Attack Speed 3. Critical Hit Damage 4. Critical Hit Chance 5. Area Damage |
Amulet | 1. Socket 2. Critical Hit Damage 3. Critical Hit Chance 4. Poison Damage 5. Attack Speed 6. Intelligence |
Bracers | 1. Poison Damage 2. Critical Hit Chance 3. Intelligence 4. All Resistance 5. Vitality |
Belt | 1. Poison Dart Damage 2. Attack Speed 3. Critical Hit Damage 4. Intelligence 5. Vitality |
Paragon Points
Core | Offensive | Defensive | Utility |
1. Movement Speed | 1. Attack Speed | 1. Armor | 1. Area Damage |
2. Intelligence | 2. Critical Hit Damage | 2. Life % | 2. Pickup Radius |
3. Vitality | 3. Critical Hit Chance | 3. All Resistance | 3. Life per Hit |
4. Maximum Mana | 4. Cooldown Reduction | 4. Life Regeneration | 4. Resource Cost Reduction |
- Prioritize Vitality if you need more survivability.