Arachyr Corpse Spiders Witch Doctor Build

A Build that allows you to overwhelm enemies with spiders. It works well for both single-target and AoE damage.


arachyr corpse spiders witch doctor build
Example Build in Skill Calculator

This Build mainly revolves around taking advantage of the Spirit of Arachyr set and overwhelming enemies with Corpse Spiders. This set will also summon a Spider Queen, who can be directed with the Corpse Spiders Skill. She will enhance the spiders, slow enemies, and give you damage reduction.

Aside from Corpse Spiders, the core Skills of this Build are:

  • Locust Swarm – used to increase the damage of Corpse Spiders further.
  • Piranhas – pulls enemies into groups and increases their damage taken.
  • Soul Harvest – gives a burst of extra offense and defense.
  • Spirit Walk – gives you some mobility.
  • Big Bad Voodoo – can be used to give an extra boost to your damage, as well as some movement speed.
  • Horrify – can be used to enhance your survivability.



The primary armor will be the Spirit of Arachyr set. You will need five pieces of it for the full effect (if you Cube the Royal Ring of Grandeur). The Spider Queen’s Grasp, Mask of Jeram, Ring of Emptiness, Depth Diggers, and Brood of Araneae will all enhance your Corpse Spiders. Echoing Fury will give you a boost in damage, and Lakumba’s Ornament will give you a large defensive boost. The Endless Walk set will give you a boost in both offense and defense. Shukrani’s Triumph will allow you to use Spirit Walk longer, and give you a damage boost while using it.

Simplicity’s Strength, Enforcer, and Bane of the Trapped are generally the best Legendary Gems, all of which further increase your damage.

Equipment Stat Priorities

SlotStat Priorities
Weapon1. Damage Range
2. Socket (using Ramaladni’s Gift)
3. Attack Speed
4. Damage %
5. Intelligence
Off-Hand1. Critical Hit Chance
2. Corpse Spiders Damage
3. Elite Damage
4. Intelligence
5. Cooldown Reduction
6. Vitality
Helm1. Socket (Flawless Royal Diamond)
2. Critical Hit Chance
3. Intelligence
4. Vitality
Gloves1. Critical Hit Chance
2. Critical Hit Damage
3. Attack Speed
4. Intelligence
Shoulders1. Intelligence
2. Area Damage
3. Cooldown Reduction
4. Vitality
5. All Resistance
Chest1. Sockets (3 Flawless Royal Topazes)
2. Intelligence
3. Armor
4. Vitality
Pants1. Corpse Spiders Damage
2. Intelligence
3. Vitality
4. Armor
5. Sockets (2 Flawless Royal Topazes)
Boots1. Intelligence
2. Vitality
3. Armor
4. All Resistance
Rings1. Socket
2. Critical Hit Damage
3. Critical Hit Chance
4. Attack Speed
5. Damage Range
Amulet1. Socket
2. Critical Hit Damage
3. Critical Hit Chance
4. Physical Damage
5. Attack Speed
6. Intelligence
Bracers1. Physical Damage
2. Critical Hit Chance
3. Intelligence
4. Vitality
5. Armor
Belt1. Corpse Spiders Damage
2. Intelligence
3. Vitality
4. Armor
5. Life %
6. All Resistance

Paragon Points

1. Movement Speed1. Attack Speed1. Armor1. Pickup Radius
2. Intelligence2. Critical Hit Damage2. Life %2. Life per Hit
3. Vitality3. Critical Hit Chance3. All Resistance3. Area Damage
4. Maximum Mana4. Cooldown Reduction4. Life Regeneration4. Resource Cost Reduction
  • Prioritize Vitality if you need more survivability.

Arachyr Corpse Spider Witch Doctor Guide

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Icy Veins

Witch Doctor Corpse Spider Build with Spirit of Arachyr

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