Necromancer Leveling Build

This is a build used specifically for leveling your Necromancer. It centers around summoning an army of skeletons to kill enemies, then using their corpses as weapons while leveling and getting gear for your main Build.

Leveling builds are a great way to expedite your character to level 70. From there, you can work on setting your Necromancer up with optimal armor and weapons for your preferred Build to prepare for the more challenging levels.

Note that you will not be able to use all of these Skills and Passives immediately, so experiment and work with other Skills in the meantime. Leveling builds are very flexible, so don’t shy away from trying out different abilities to help you decide on a final Build. (Tip: Remember to enable “Elective Mode” in Settings -> Gameplay to be able to mix-and-match the Skills much more easily across the categories.)


necromancer leveling build
The Leveling Build in Skill Calculator

Numbers in brackets = [level required to unlock].

  • Bone Spikes [1] (Sudden Impact Rune [6]) – your primary Skill for this build.
  • Skeletal Mage [5] (Singularity Rune [29]) – use when you’re at full Essence to have a good extra source of damage.
  • Command Skeletons [9] (Frenzy Rune [19]) – gives you a free extra source of damage, and a damage boost when using the active effect.
  • Devour [16] (Devouring Aura Rune [38]) – allows you to keep your Essence up while killing enemies.
  • Frailty [22] (Scent of Blood Rune [26]) – will allow your Skeletal Mage and Command Skeletons to deal more damage, and will instantly kill enemies at low health.
  • Blood Rush [30] (Potency [34]) – used to give you some extra mobility.


Numbers in brackets = [level required to unlock].

icy veins icon
Icy Veins​

Necromancer Fresh Leveling Guide​

icy veins icon
Icy Veins

Necromancer Leveling Build Guide​

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Necromancer Leveling Guide

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