Support Necromancer Build

Also known as “zNecro Build” for “zero” damage

A highly flexible build that enhances the damage of others in your group, and keeps enemies from attacking.

Keep in mind that this build is only meant to be used in groups, as the Support Necromancer themself will do little to no damage.


support necromancer build
Example Build in Skill Calculator

This build mainly focuses around using Corpse Lance to spread and stack its debuff from the Brittle Touch Rune on enemies. The other major Skill is Land of the Dead, which you want to keep up as much as possible to freeze enemies, and spread Corpse Lance easier.

Aside from these two Skills, the other core Skills are:



You will need two pieces of the Pestilence Master’s Shroud set for this build, in order to let Devour trigger Corpse Lance. Leoric’s Crown (with a Flawless Royal Topaz), the Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac, and two pieces of the Captain Crimson’s Trimmings set will help keep the cooldown of Land of the Dead low. Strongarm Bracers and Brigg’s Wrath work together with Frailty to boost the damage of your group.

Equipment Stat Priorities

SlotStat Priorities
Weapon1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Attack Speed
3. Vitality
4. Intelligence
5. Socket (using Ramaladni’s Gift)
Off-Hand1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Life %
3. Vitality
4. Intelligence
Helm1. Socket (Flawless Royal Diamond)
2. Pickup Radius
3. Life %
4. Vitality
5. Intelligence
Gloves1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Pickup Radius
3. Attack Speed
4. Vitality
5. Intelligence
Shoulders1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Pickup Radius
3. Life %
4. Vitality
5. Intelligence
6. All Resistance
Chest1. Pickup Radius
2. Sockets (3 Flawless Royal Diamonds)
3. Life %
4. Elite Damage Reduction
5. All Resistance
6. Vitality
7. Intelligence
Pants1. Pickup Radius
2. Sockets (2 Flawless Royal Diamonds)
3. Vitality
4. All Resistance
5. Intelligence
Boots1. Pickup Radius
2. All Resistance
3. Vitality
4. Intelligence
5. Armor
Rings1. Socket
2. Cooldown Reduction
3. Attack Speed
4. Resource Cost Reduction
Amulet1. Socket
2. Cooldown Reduction
3. Attack Speed
4. Life %
5. Vitality
Bracers1. Pickup Radius
2. All Resistance
3. Vitality
4. Intelligence
5. Armor
Belt1.Pickup Radius
2. Life %
3. All Resistance
4. Vitality
5. Intelligence

Paragon Points

1. Movement Speed1. Cooldown Reduction1. All Resistance1. Pickup Radius
2. Vitality2. Attack Speed2. Life %2. Life per Hit
3. Intelligence3. Critical Hit Chance3. Armor3. Resource Cost Reduction
4. Maximum Essence4. Critical Hit Damage4. Life Regeneration4. Area Damage

Support Necromancer Guide

icy veins icon
Icy Veins

Necromancer Support Build