Firebird Wizard Build

A Build that focuses on placing a powerful DoT on enemies, and dealing massive damage with Fire. There are two major variations of this Build, depending on which Skill you want to focus on (between Explosive Blast and Spectral Blade).


firebird explosive blast wizard build
Firebird Explosive Blast (Example Build) in Skill Calculator
firebird flame blades wizard build
Firebird Flame Blades (Example Build) in Skill Calculator

Both varieties of this build will rely on the use of Disintegrate. While not the main damage dealer in of itself, this ability applies Ignite on enemies, which needs to be active for your main damage source. Then, your main source of damage can be either the Explosive Blast or Spectral Blade (note that the Spectral Blade build will also have Explosive Blast, but it won’t be your main source of damage).

The rest of your skills will vary depending on your primary damage dealer:

Both Builds

  • Teleport – gives you mobility and damage reduction. Has almost no cooldown when you have high Combustion stacks.
  • Frost Nova – will grant you an extra burst of damage.
  • Magic Weapon – can be used to boost your damage and survivability.

Explosive Blast

  • Familiar – can be used to further boost your damage.
  • Diamond Skin – can be used to get extra survivability and for reducing the Arcane Power cost of your other Skills.

Spectral Blade

  • Black Hole – can be used to pull enemies towards you and further boost your damage.


  • Audacity – will increase damage dealt to enemies close to you.
  • Elemental Exposure – will boost your damage when using elemental attacks.
  • Galvanizing Ward – grants you a shield when you don’t take damage, giving you more survivability.
  • Evocation – gives you cooldown reduction.
  • Unwavering Will – can be used to give an extra boost to both offense and defense.
  • Conflagration – can be used to increase your damage. It will be easy to apply and keep up with this build, since it’s based on Fire damage.
  • Dominance, Unstable Anomaly, and Blur can be used to further boost survivability.


The primary armor will be the Firebird’s Finery set. You will need five pieces of it for the full effect (if you Cube the Ring of Royal Grandeur). Orb of Infinite Depth is essential as well, to greatly boost your offense and defense. The Auguid’s Authority set will grant you more damage and survivability. The Captain Crimson’s Trimmings set will grant Cooldown Reduction and further boost your offense and defense. The Squirt’s Necklace will grant you even more damage. The rest of your equipment will depend on your primary damage dealer.

Explosive Blast

Spectral Blade

Both variations of the build will generally use Bane of the Trapped and Bane of the Stricken as Legendary Gems, for extra damage. The Explosive Blast variant will use Taeguk for the third, to further boost damage. The Spectral Blade variant will use Gogok of Swiftness instead to get attack speed, cooldown reduction, and dodge.

Equipment Stat Priorities

Explosive Blast

SlotStat Priorities
Weapon1. Damage Range
2. Socket (using Ramaladni’s Gift)
3. Cooldown Reduction
4. Damage %
5. Elite Damage
6. Intelligence
Off-Hand1. Arcane Power on Critical Hit
2. Critical Hit Chance
3. Intelligence
4. Cooldown Reduction
5. Elite Damage
Helm1. Critical Hit Chance
2. Intelligence
3. Vitality
4. Socket (Flawless Royal Diamond)
Gloves1. Critical Hit Chance
2. Critical Hit Damage
3. Cooldown Reduction
4. Intelligence
Shoulders1. Cooldown Reduction
2. Intelligence
3. Vitality
4. Life %
5. Resource Cost Reduction
Chest1. Sockets (3 Flawless Royal Topazes)
2. Intelligence
3. Vitality
4. Life %
5. Elite Damage Reduction
6. Armor
Pants1. Sockets (2 Flawless Royal Topazes)
2. Intelligence
3. Vitality
4. Armor
Boots1. Intelligence
2. Vitality
3. Armor
4. All Resistance
Rings1. Socket
2. Critical Hit Chance
3. Critical Hit Damage
4. Damage Range
5. Cooldown Reduction
6. Intelligence
Amulet1. Socket
2. Critical Hit Damage
3. Fire Damage
4. Critical Hit Chance
5. Cooldown Reduction
6. Intelligence
Bracers1. Fire Damage
2. Critical Hit Chance
3. Intelligence
4. Life per Hit
5. Vitality
Belt1. Intelligence
2. Vitality
3. Life %
4. Armor

Spectral Blade

SlotStat Priorities
Weapon1. Damage Range
2. Socket (using Ramaladni’s Gift)
3. Attack Speed
4. Damage %
5. Elite Damage
6. Intelligence
Off-Hand1. Critical Hit Chance
2. Elite Damage
3. Arcane Power on Critical Hit
4. Intelligence
Helm1. Critical Hit Chance
2. Intelligence
3. Vitality
4. Socket (Flawless Royal Diamond)
Gloves1. Attack Speed
2. Critical Hit Chance
3. Critical Hit Damage
4. Intelligence
Shoulders1. Intelligence
2. Vitality
3. Life %
4. Cooldown Reduction
Chest1. Sockets (3 Flawless Royal Topazes)
2. Intelligence
3. Vitality
4. Elite Damage Reduction
5. Armor
Pants1. Sockets (2 Flawless Royal Topazes)
2. Intelligence
3. Vitality
4. Armor
Boots1. Intelligence
2. Vitality
3. Armor
4. All Resistance
Rings1. Socket
2. Attack Speed
3. Critical Hit Chance
4. Critical Hit Damage
5. Intelligence
Amulet1. Socket
2. Critical Hit Damage
3. Fire Damage
4. Critical Hit Chance
5. Attack Speed
6. Intelligence
Bracers1. Fire Damage
2. Critical Hit Chance
3. Intelligence
4. Vitality
5. Armor
Belt1. Intelligence
2. Vitality
3. Life %
4. Armor

Paragon Points

Explosive Blast

1. Movement Speed1. Cooldown Reduction1. Life %1. Resource Cost Reduction
2. Maximum Arcane Power2. Critical Hit Damage2. Armor2. Life per Hit
3. Intelligence3. Critical Hit Chance3. All Resistance3. Pickup Radius
4. Vitality4. Attack Speed4. Life Regeneration4. Area Damage

Spectral Blades

1. Movement Speed1. Attack Speed1. Armor1. Life per Hit
2. Intelligence2. Critical Hit Damage2. Life %2. Resource Cost Reduction
3. Vitality3. Critical Hit Chance3. All Resistance3. Pickup Radius
4. Maximum Arcane Power4. Cooldown Reduction4. Life Regeneration4. Area Damage
  • Explosive Blast

Firebird Explosive Blast Wizard Guide

icy veins icon
Icy Veins

Wizard Explosive Blast Build with Firebird’s Finery

  • Flame Blades

Firebird Flame Blades Wizard Guide

icy veins icon
Icy Veins

Wizard Flame Blades Build with Firebird’s Finery