The Altar of Rites is a new mechanic added in Season 28 of Diablo 3. In essence, it works as a talent tree that will give boosts that are useful for all of your characters, no matter what Class they are. Each talent in this tree will cost resources, with the resources becoming more rare the more nodes you unlock.

The Altar of Rites
In order to use this new system, you will need to go to the Altar of Rites. The Altar can be found in the Festering Woods just outside of Tristram, and can be accessed at level 1. From here, you can sacrifice certain items to unlock a Seal, giving you a new passive bonus.
- There are 26 Seals, and 3 Legendary Potion Powers.
- Seals will give you a passive bonus, while the Legendary Potion Powers will give extra effects to your Legendary Potion when used.
- Unlocking every Seal and Legendary Potion Power will unlock a final Seal, giving you the account-wide Wings of Terror cosmetic wings.
- In order to be able to unlock a seal, the seal above it must be unlocked first.
- For example, if you want to unlock Seal B or C, Seal A must be unlocked first.
- The cost of unlocking a Seal will depend on how many Seals you have already unlocked, not on the Seal itself.
- Every single Seal and Legendary Potion Power can eventually be unlocked, but will require quite a bit of farming.
- Because of this, it is better to go straight for the Seals you want, as soon as possible.
- All of your Altar of Rites progress carries over to ALL of your Seasonal characters.